Conferences and seminars

Torcello e Venezia. Interpretare gli Spazi. Interpretare le Narrazioni

Author(s): Diego CALAON
Congress Name: Vuoto/Pieno. I caratteri della Venezia che cambia. Convegno, a cura di Monica Centanni, Laura Fregolent, Sara Marini
Session name: II sessione | Venezia prima di Venezia, Venezia dopo Venezia: il vuoto come cifra della polis
Date and Venue: IUAV, Venezia 17/18-01-2018

Malamocco, Torcello e Rialto. Archeologia, Identità e Interpretazione Storiografica

Author(s): Diego CALAON
Congress Name
: Torcello 3000 anni di Storia, Centro Studi Torcellani, Tavola rotonda conclusiva della Rassegna Lezioni Marciane 2017
Session name
: "Adriatico Settentrionale"
Date and Venue
: Venezia, Isola di SanServolo, IT - 27 May 2017

Viaggi alla Fine del Mondo Antico

Author(s): Diego CALAON
Congress Name: Classici Contro 2017, Utopia (Europa). Ovvero del diventare cittadini europei
Session name: Antiche Strade d'Europa
Date and Venue: Oderzo (TV) - Palazzo Foscolo, IT - 19 May 2017

Sopra solidi marmi fondata? Gis, contesti di scavo e spolia di epoca romana nella laguna veneta settentrionale (sec. I a.C. – V d.C.)

Author(s): Diego CALAON, Lorenzo CALVELLI, Myriam PILUTTI NAMER
Congress Name: Roma e il Mondo adriatico. Dalla ricerca archeologica alla pianificazione del territorio
Session name: "Adriatico Settentrionale"
Date and Venue: Macerata, IT - 18-20 May 2017

Potsherds, Walls, and Lions. Stato da mar, Memory and Archaeological Heritage in the Albania Veneta areas

Author(s): Diego CALAON
Congress Name:  Venezia e il suo Stato da mar / Venice and its Stato da Mar, Venice, 9-11 March 2017, 
Società dalmata di storia patria in collaborazione con Istituto ellenico di studi bizantini e postbizantini
Date and Venue: Venezia, IT - 9-11 March 2017

Wood, Water and Slaves: How Venice Came into the World

Author(s): Diego CALAON
Congress Name: BAIA Bay Area Italian Association - California
Session name: BAIAgeeks #20
Date and Venue: San Francisco - California (US), 8 December 2016

A Subersive Urbanism: Venice in the 9th century (Video available)

Author(s): Diego CALAON
Congress Name: EAA, European Association of Archaeologists 22nd Annual Meeting
Session name: "TH1-11, Between Landing Site and Vicus - Between Emporium and Town. Framing the Early Medieval Urban Development"
Date and Venue Vilnius, Lithuania, 31 August - 4 September 2016

Does Chronology Matter? The Early Medieval Venice Narrates through Water, Wood and Labor

Author(s): Diego CALAON
Congress Name: EAA, European Association of Archaeologists 22nd Annual Meeting
Session name: "TH3-04, Theoretical Frameworks, Methods, and Sources to Study the Development of Medieval Societies in Europe and the Mediterranean World" 
Date and Venue Vilnius, Lithuania, 31 August - 4 September 2016

Feeding the Early Medieval Venetians: Orchards, Fish Farms, and Cattle among the Water

Author(s): Diego CALAON
Congress Name: IMC 2016, International Medieval Congress 2016, Leeds, “Food, Feast & Famine Session name: " Farm to Table in Early Medieval Italy: Economy, Ecology, and Society of Food production"
Date and Venue: Leeds, UK - 4-7 July 2016

Last update: 10/03/2025