
VoicesOfVenice has access to original data (archaeological assemblages, environmental samples, stratigraphic sequences) derived from new archaeological excavation of Torcello. The archaeological excavations started in 2012, and have guaranteed funding for the next five years. An average of two months of excavation activity has been performed per year. The researchers have access to a large corpus of original raw data, with original topographic elements for the reconstruction of living spaces on the island, and from high quality, well stratified assemblages rich in ceramic, glass, metal and bones artefacts.

Diego Calaon, the main researcher, is an experienced archaeologist. He has worked as site director on 15 archaeological campaigns in the Venice area. Since 2002, he has been working on projects focused on a “colonial” context, both in the Mediterranean area and more recently in the Indian Ocean. He has strong skills in archaeological site management (site director) and in landscape archaeology (GIS). GIS tools provides the technical frameworks where the project data are stored, classified and cross-examined.

The critical approach  that  underpins  this  project  is  considering  archaeology  to  be  an “anthropology of the past”. Plants, animal and landscapes are studied as “things” entangled with the Venetians, giving them a key role in the interpretation processes, not subordinates to the “traditional” interpretations of archaeological material culture.

The host institution, Ca‟ Foscari University and the Department of Environmental Sciences, Informatics and Statistics, offers high quality archaeometric laboratories, characterized by a long tradition on the ecology and sustainability of the lagoon environment. 

The laboratories and the department have long-term collaborative activities where environmental approaches are integrated with restoration and heritage themes. 

Ca’ Foscari archaeological scientific community offers the necessary background for the “culture-historical” approach to the research theme, offering a high level of archaeological theoretical debate among an “Italian- European” perspective and a “Global–Post Processual” approach.

Making, Voices Of Venice GIS, Old Maps, Databases and Georeferencing

ArcGIS, FIleMaker

Making, Voices Of Venice Drone, GIS, Old Maps, Databases and Georeferencing

ArcGIS, FIleMaker

Last update: 10/03/2025