Advanced Mathematics brings students and Professors from Harvard and Ca’ Foscari together

A group of students, many of whom won admission to Harvard, are studying advanced mathematics at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice's Summer School, at its twelfth edition, organized by the School for international Education (SIE).

A group of students, many of whom won admission to Harvard and were selected as “Emerging Young Scholars” despite coming from schools with limited economic resources, are studying advanced mathematics at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. The Summer School, currently at its twelfth edition, is organized by Ca’ Foscari’s School for international Education (SIE), bringing students and professors  from Harvard to Venice every summer to work and study with their colleagues at Ca’ Foscari for two weeks.

Five students enroled in Bachelor Degree courses in Business Administration and ManagementEconomics and Business and Philosophy at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice were accepted to this year’s Summer School and are attending lessons with Harvard faculty and students.

The new mathematics courses are designed to bring the students’ skills to new levels and give them better opportunities to realize their potential as scientists.

“I think that sometimes students can feel intimidated by their environment at Harvard. The programme aims to help them to find their path towards academic success” explains Robin Gottlieb, Professor of the Practice in the Teaching of Mathematics at Harvard.

“The students at Ca’ Foscari’s summer program are intellectually curious and very ambitious. By offering advanced courses in Science and Economics, we hope to support them in their ambitions and projects” says Paolo Pellizzari, Director of Ca’ Foscari’s School for International Education.

Paolo Pellizzari concluded by stating that the Summer School is an occasion for all participants to expand their cultural horizons in a stimulating international environment and an opportunity for students from Ca’ Foscari to include exams recognized by the University of Harvard on their resumes.