Ca' Foscari - Harvard Summer School: the call for applications is open

Applications are open until April 3rd for the Ca' Foscari – Harvard Summer School organized in collaboration with one of the world's most prestigious Ivy League Universities: Harvard University in Boston, Massachusetts

Applications are open for the Ca' Foscari – Harvard Summer School organized in collaboration with one of the world's most prestigious Ivy League Universities: Harvard University in Boston, Massachusetts. This programme, unique to Ca’ Foscari, is designed to give students and teachers from both sides of the world to study, teach, interact and grow through curricula of excellence and a wide range of cultural activities.

The programme for CFHSS 2017 will be presented to prospective students in Aula Baratto on March 27th, at 4:30pm through testimonials from former Faculty and students involved in the programme throughout the past 12 years.

All courses allow students to accumulate University credits (6 CFU / ECTS) per course, thereby accelerating their tertiary study during the summer period, and students have the opportunity to take part in numerous cultural activities aimed at encouraging interaction between the two sides of the Atlantic. The CFHSS provides a truly unforgettable experience through the opportunity to become immersed in a new method of learning and to engage in an international cultural exchange right here in Venice.

The Ca’ Foscari – Harvard Summer School offers numerous courses in a range of interdisciplinary areas such as economics, labour law, international law, mathematics, literature, history, philosophy and environmental science. There are up to 70 places available for Ca' Foscari students, and as one of the numerous advantages of the programme, all credits obtained are reciprocally recognised at Harvard University. Undergraduate students will also gain 2 bonus points when they graduate.

Applications close April 3rd