Placements abroad and careers: Ca’ Foscari above the national average

According to the Almalaurea Report 2017, published Tuesday 16th May, employment rates are above average for Ca’ Foscari University of Venice graduates.

According to the Almalaurea Report 2017, published Tuesday 16th May, employment rates are above average for Ca’ Foscari University of Venice graduates.

The employment rates a year after graduating for Ca’ Foscari Bachelor’s Degree graduates who do not continue their university study (41%) is 71%, higher than the national average of 68%.

Employment rates for Master’s Degree graduates after one and five years of graduation are also above average: after one year it reaches 78% (national average 71%) and after five years 90% (national average 84%). The monthly net salary (after 5 years of graduating) is 1409 Euros, on par with the national average.

78% of graduates are selected for the private sector, 16% for the public. The rest works for non-profit institutions (6%). The service industry assimilates 77%, whilst industry holds 21% of workers.

Michele Bugliesi, Rector for Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, comments: “Ca’ Foscari has been reconfirmed at the peak of the national university panorama, for some characteristic aspects of its educational system, such as the possibility to undertake placements and internships abroad during degree programmes. This opportunity is made possible by the many international links that we have with institutions, firms and companies all over the world. The quality of our programmes continues to have great acknowledgement in terms of employment, confirming Ca’ Foscari above the national average."

The Almalaurea Report has also analysed the profile of graduates regarding attendance, placements abroad, and origin.


Ca’ Foscari excels, well above the national average, in the percentage of students who carry out placements and internships abroad that are recognised by their degree programme: 79% of Ca’ Foscari students carry out a placement (national average 56%) and 25% carry out an internship abroad recognised by their degree programme (national average 11%).


24% of Ca’ Foscari students come from outside the region (national average 22%) and 63% have at least high-school education.


The average graduation age of Ca’ Foscari students is 25 years old (national average 26), 65% of Ca’ Foscari students graduate within expected timeframes (national average 49%) and the average degree grade is 103.2 (national average 102.5).