Ca' Foscari Competency Centre reaches more than a thousand students

More than a thousand students have deepened and improved their soft skills thanks to research, training and consulting activities offered by the Ca' Foscari Competence Centre (CFCC) since 2012.


More than a thousand students have deepened and improved their soft skills thanks to research, training and consulting activities offered by the Ca' Foscari Competence Centre (CFCC) since 2012.
The following initiatives were organized by the Centre and planned for next Academic Year:

Project 'PerFORMARE EmotivaMENTE', for Master's Degree students, is aimed at strengthening their behavioral competencies in order to increase their employability.

Competency Labs, a series of interactive seminars, reached its 14th edition and will now involve a final event allowing students to interact directly with enterprises and understand the expectations of the work market. Seminar will focus on identifying the individual weaknesses and strengths with mock individual and group job interviews. Students will then be able to experience how enterprises evaluate candidates' emotional and social skills.

The Course 'Emotional Competencies and Individual Development' reached its fourth edition. Fifty Master's Degree students each year are involved in an exciting exploration of their own soft skills abilities, of their aspired career paths and of how to reach them. Through an experience-based approach, students define a personalized plan to strengthen the emotional and social skills they regard as essential to fulfil their future goals.

Project 'Competenze in Pillole' was created this year with the launch of interactive workshops dedicated to the development of specific skills such as result-orientation, empathy and persuasion. As Prof. Sara Bonesso, Vice-Director of the CFCC explains: "Through testing techniques as well as individual and group practice, students can learn how to use each transversal skills each day, so as to be prepared when they will have to use them in a work context".

All these activities will be offered next Academic Year, and the CFCC will expand its educational paths involving enterprises and professionals. According to Prof. Fabrizio Gerli, Director of the CFCC, "Soft skills are increasingly important to tackle tasks beyond one's position, but require learning methods with timing and approaches differing from technical skills. Responding to the needs of the labor market, the CFCC provides students, enterprises and professionals with a methodology that proved to generate a sustainable change in time of the participants' transversal skills".

For more information visit the website of the CFCC.