Ca’ Foscari Departments among the 350 best in Italy

Seven departments of Ca’ Foscari excel in research among 350 departments in Italy and are eligible for the MIUR selection for 270 million euros.

Seven departments of Ca’ Foscari out of ten are among the best 350 research departments in Italy and will compete for the selection of the Italian Ministry of Education and Research (MIUR) which will appoint 270 million euros to 180 of them.

Ca’ Foscari indeed stand out in research reaching the highest assessment (100) with their Departments of Economics and of Linguistics and Comparative Cultural Studies.

Outstanding results also for: the Department of Asian and North African Studies (99,5), the Department of Humanities (99), the Department of Management (98), the Department of Environmental Sciences, Informatics and Statistics (91,5), the Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage (81).

The classification, established by the National Agency for Evaluation of the University System and Research (ANVUR), presents the departments that are eligible for the selection process. The department ranking is based on the value of the ISPD (standardized indicator of departmental performance which compares institutions on consistent scientific sectors on a national level) constructed from the data gathered in the last VQR evaluation (Valutazione Qualità Ricerca).