Global Trade and Social Rights seminar

From June 19th to June 24th Ca’ Foscari will host an international seminar on Global Trade and Labour Rights, with interventions of experts from around the world.

From June 19th to June 24th Ca’ Foscari will host an international seminar on Global Trade and Labour Rights, with interventions of experts from around the world.

The recent trend towards neo-protectionism and Brexit, with the resulting uncertainties on trade relations between the United Kingdom and Europe, and the difficulties of the European Union to play a leading autonomous role in its external trade relations will be discussed together with the link between global trade and social rights. Social dumping, perceived in an ever-increasing manner and at the basis of the neo-protectionist policies that characterize the American political agenda, generates a vicious circle that challenges major international trade treaties, such as the TTIP, initially understood as a tool meant to achieve conditions of harmonious coexistence between free trade, market integration and the promotion of fundamental social rights. Bilateral treaties are yet proliferating as well as multilateral treaties which are struggling to incorporate sustainable development in the negociations.

The topic deals with our economic and social system, including its local and regional level characterized by small and medium-sized firms strongly aiming at internationalization which suffer from strong competitive pressures from markets with low social standards.

During the seminar, the “Card of Venice on Global Trade and Social Rights” will be introduced and open to subscription for all the interested social and economics players.

The seminar is organized by the Department of Economics, the Master of Labour Law and the GESAM Master of the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, the Centre for Legal Studies, the Eiuc (European Centre for Human Rights e Democratization) and the International Society for Labour and Social Security Law.