Ca’ Foscari is the third university in Italy for the quality of its research

Ca’ Foscari is ranked on the podium of ANVUR for the quality of its research from 2011-2014: the Venetian University comes third for state universities

Ca’ Foscari is ranked on the podium of ANVUR for the quality of its research from 2011-2014: the Venetian University comes third for state universities.

The figures were released today from Anvur,  the Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of the University and Research System, who collected the numbers of 94 state universities, 12 research institutions supervised by the Ministry of Education, University and Research and 26 voluntary organizations.

The IRAS1 indicator is the main indicator used to allocate the FFO, the ordinary financing of universities fund, and is calculated as the sum of votes received by research products; if the difference between this indicator and the size of the university is positive, the quality of research is above average and the University will receive a share higher than its average funding. This is the case for Ca' Foscari, presenting a difference between the sum of the votes of its research products and the size of the university at +13%.

Michele Bugliesi, Rector of Ca’ Foscari University of Venice: "We are very happy and proud of this news that puts us in the top band for quality of research, an achievement that is the result of our investment in research policies, starting with national and international recruitment of the best researchers and a constant focus on internal evaluation. This result, achieved thanks to the excellent level of scientific work of our scholars, will enable us to continue to receive a significant share of state funding that we can devote to further strengthen the opportunities and research tools in all our scientific areas. Special thanks go to our internal evaluation organs, offices and departments for the excellent selection of research products, conducted under the supervision of the Vice Provost for Programming and Evaluation, Antonella Basso and the Vice Provost for Research, Prof. Achille Giacometti.