A day with scientists to discover Antarctica and the North Pole

The main international scientific organizations that deal with Antarctica devote December 1st to the seventh continent

The main international scientific organizations that deal with Antarctica devote December 1st to the seventh continent. in fact, on December 1st 1959, the Antarctic Treaty was signed, which banned any nuclear and industrial military exploitation of the continent and made it a natural reserve dedicated to research and scientific cooperation in favor of Humanity.

Ca’ Foscari University will participate in the day by meeting with students, citizens and lovers of scientific discoveries in a morning dedicated to Antarctica (and the Arctic) scheduled from 9am to 1pm in the Auditorium of the Scientific Campus in Mestre (Via Torino).  The programme

To commemorate this date, the Italian section of APECS (Association of Polar Early Career Scientists), is organizing a science day to increase knowledge and understanding of the importance of the polar regions in a global context, both politically and scientifically. The event is held under the auspices of the Department of Environmental Sciences, Informatics and Statistics, the Scientific area Library and the Institute for the dynamics of environmental processes of the National Research Council (IDPA-CNR), the National Antarctica Research Program (NARP), the Dirigible Italia Arctic Station and the National Academy of Sciences called the XL.

The issues will not be limited to Antarctica but also be extended to the Arctic regions, in particular the Svalbard Islands and Greenland, where temperatures over 6 ° C above the pre-industrial average have been recorded in the last decade. The event is open to all, where six researchers from the Department of Environmental Sciences, Informatics and Statistics at Ca’ Foscari University and the CNR-IDPA will share with their research experience in Antarctica and in the Arctic with the public.

They will deal with historical subjects by introducing natural polar exploration, with an introduction to animal life in extreme environments, and will give way to explain the scientific research conducted in polar regions and their importance in understanding the global changes taking place. The public will also have the opportunity to discover a selection of material (overalls, tools, etc.) used by researchers when they work in the extreme conditions of the Antarctic continent.