Research fellowships expired calls

Test calendars where applicable, evaluation results and other useful information about expired research fellowships will be published on this page.

For more information visit the page open calls for fellowships.

Structure Title Details
Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage La violenza domestica sulle donne anziane. Uno studio policy oriented nel contesto veneto
Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage Ricerca archivistica e documentaria sui palazzi e giardini di Murano tra il XVI ed il XVIII secolo
Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage Miglioramento della raccolta e dell'analisi dei dati nazionali sul posting of workers
Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage “Didattica Orientativa STEM, transizione digitale ed empowerment femminile" Progetto codice 6413-0001-1522-2022 TV dal titolo “MINERVA: STEAM AL FEMMINILE” CUP: H64G23000020007 - DGR n. 1522/2022
Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage
Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage
Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage
Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage
Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage
Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage
Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage
Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage
Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage
Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage
Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage
Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage
Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage
Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage