
Regulations of the Degree Programme

Regulations for traineeship and final exam

The present regulations discipline the organizational activities of the traineeship and the final degree exam, according to what is required from Article 12 of the Ministerial Decree from 22nd October 2004, n.270, from the Didactic Regulations and the Student Career Regulations of the University.

The present regulations, approved by the Teaching Committee in the 24/11/2016 meeting and by the Council for the Department of Environmental Sciences. Informatics and Statistics in the 15/12/2016 meeting,  will take effect during the summer degree session of academic year 2016/17 (June-July 2017).

Article 1

The finale degree test is articulated in the writing and public discussion of a degree thesis that summarizes the results from research and/or development activities, integrated by a preparatory activity of a traineeship or internship.

Here we outline the characteristics of the different activities:

  1. Traineeship or Internship: 6 ECTS. The traineeship or internship provides a study activity  that is formative or for orientation, carried out at research laboratories at the university and/or external institutes, on the topic particularly relevant to the degree thesis, under the guidance of a scholar (supervisor). In the case of external internships, the activity must be previously approved by a scholar (supervisor) and must be supervised by a referent from the business or institute (assistant supervisor) and documented precisely. Whether a traineeship or an internship, it must have a duration equal to 150 hours (25 hours x 1 ECTS).
  2. Degree Thesis: 24 ECTS. Written report, written by the student under the guidance of the supervisor, and be about an activity of research and/or development in the Computer Science sector, with originality and scientific and/or applicative relevance. The written work also summarizes the results of the previous activity, the traineeship or internship, carried out in preparation for the degree thesis.

Article 2

The final degree exam grade is based on the evaluation of the degree thesis and the final discussion: students are rewarded for their accuracy, originality and scientific/technological influence of content, as well as synthesis and expository clarity of discussion.

Grade attribution, including bonuses and attribution of honours, reflect the regulations established by the university for Master’s Degree programmes.

Furthermore, the Degree Commission will evaluate the final degree text as well as the excellence of the student’s academic curriculum in order to attribute honours.

The criteria for grade attribution is as follows:

  • Quality and technical accuracy of the written work, or the software project, review or theoretic result (from 0 to 2 marks);
  • Originality and relevance of the results, or degree of complexity or originality of the software project, in comparison with the sector (from 0 to 3 marks);
  • Quality of written work, or evaluation of general organization, expository clarity, and care of bibliography, introduction and conclusion (from 0 to 2 marks);
  • Clarity and concision of oral presentation of work in front of the Degree Commission (from 0 to 1 marks). 

The current regulation is in effect for all students enrolled, regardless of year of registration, in one of the following programmes:

  • Master’s Degree “Computer Science “ class LM-18 (Computer Science) of the Ministerial Decree n. 270/04;

and relative to the final grade and the scoring criteria:

  • Master’s Degree in Computer Science, Class 23/S (Computer Science) of the Ministerial Decree n. 509/99;
  • Degree in Computer Science from pre-existing regulation of Ministerial Decree n. 509/99.


The Form that attests the completion of a traineeship period must be submitted, fully complete and signed, to the Scientific Campus; It can be delivered by students on site during public opening hours or a scanned copy can be sent to

Last update: 21/05/2024