Networks on sustainability

Global Compact Network

Ca' Foscari took part in Global Compact Network, a strategic policy initiative for businesses that are committed to aligning their operations and strategies with ten universally accepted principles in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption.

Principles for Responsible Management Education

Ca' Foscari has voluntarily undertaken to apply and promote the PRME - Principles for Responsible Management Education both in its teaching / researching activities and in all the other fields it works in as public institution.

Italian University Network for Sustainable Development

Ca' Foscari is one of the founders of RUS - Rete delle Università per lo Sviluppo sostenibile (Network of Universities for Sustainable Development), the network of Italian universities who work and want to engage on issues of environmental sustainability and social responsibility.

Global Universities Partnership on Environment for Sustainability

Ca' Foscari joined GUPES - The Global Universities Partnership on Environment for Sustainability, formed by UNEP and its partners to increase engagement with universities. It aims to promote the integration of environment and sustainability concerns into teaching, research, community engagement and the management of universities.

Sustainable Development Solutions Network

Ca' Foscari joined the SDSN - Sustainable Development Solutions Network, launched by United Nations Secretary-General on August 9, 2012. SDSN mobilizes scientific and technical expertise from academia, civil society, and the private sector in support of sustainable-development problem solving at local, national, and global scales. SDSN accelerates joint learning by promoting integrated approaches to the interconnected economic, social, and environmental challenges confronting the world.

International Association of Universities

Ca' Foscari joined HESD - Higher Education and Sustainable Development, an initiative of International Association of Universities network, the worldwide UNESCO Higher Education Institutions. It recognizes the key role higher education could and should play in the overall process of achieving sustainable development and aims to develop actions in this field.

Gruppo di studio per il Bilancio Sociale

In 2014 Ca' Foscari has joined the Italian network GBS - Gruppo di Studio per il Bilancio Sociale (Study Group for the Social Report), non-profit association founded in 2001 with the mission of "development and promotion of scientific research on the Social Report and on issues relating to responsible management processes of businesses in order to encourage the dissemination of corporate social responsibility and its application in national and international contexts". Among the members there are a number of Italian universities, organizations and experts.

Last update: 21/03/2025