Earthquake in Turkey and Syria, the message of the Rector

VOA, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

On behalf of our university, Rector Tiziana Lippiello states “The entire Ca’ Foscari community is following with great sorrow and apprehension the news on the catastrophic earthquake that has devastated southern Turkey and northern Syria. As an academic community, we want to express our sympathy to those students and colleagues at Ca’ Foscari who come from the affected areas. Our solidarity and condolences go out to them, to their families and to all the victims of this tragedy.”

Here are some of the ways you can help:

Donations to the Earthquake Humanitarian Aid Campaign can be made via the website of the Turkish Disaster And Emergency Management Presidency 
You can also help the people in the affected areas by donating to the UN Refugee Agency, to the the NGO Ahbap at this link, or to the Italian Red Cross and Kızılay

Banca Popolare di Sondrio and the Italy-Turkey Friendship Association have collaborated to open a fundraising account. All donations will go towards people who lost limbs in the earthquake. To donate: IBAN IT46X0569602000000002416X68, indicating in the bank transfer description CONTRIBUTO DI SOLIDARIETÀ PER TERREMOTO IN TURCHIA.

Ca' Foscari Rektörü'nün, tüm Üniversite adına, Türkiye ve Suriye'yi vuran feci deprem kurbanları için dayanışma ve başsağlığı mesajı

Tüm Üniversite adına, Rektör Tiziana Lippiello: "Türkiye'nin güneyi ve Suriye'nin kuzeyini vuran feci deprem haberini tüm Ca' Foscari camiası büyük bir üzüntü ve endişeyle takip ediyor. Oğrenci topluluğuna ve depremden etkilenen ülkelerden Ca' Foscari meslektaşlarına. Tüm Üniversitenin dayanışma ve başsağlığı onlara, ailelerine ve bu trajedinin tüm kurbanlarına gidiyor."

عن الزلزال الذي ضرب تركيا وسوريا، رسالة رئيسة الجامعة.

 باسمي أنا، تيتسيانا ليپيلّو رئيسة الجامعة، وباسم جامعة كافوسكاري في ڤينيسيا:

"نتابع بحزن وقلق كبيريْن أخبار الزلزال الهائل الّذي ضرب جنوب تركيا وشمال سوريا. ونعبّر، نحن المجتمع الأكاديميّ، عن تعاطفنا العميق مع كلّ من ينتمي إلى البلديْن المنكوبيْن بالزلزال، من الطّلاب والزّميلات والزّملاء في جامعة كافوسكاري. تعبّر الجامعة بأكملها عن تضامنها معهم ومع ضحايا هذه الفاجعة، وتتقدّم بأصدق التّعازي لعائلاتهم الكريمة. "