Chef Simone Rugiati at Art Night's 'breakfast in blue', Sunday 6.18 at San Servolo island


Art Night Venezia goes on on the following Sunday morning again this year, with “Petit déjeuner en blu - Indigo Mix Jacquard Malìparmi” from 9am at San Servolo island. Simone Rugiati, chef and television anchor of the Italian cooking show “Cuochi & Fiamme”, will play the part of guest judge for the best mise en place and will talk with prof. Giuseppe Barbieri from 11am.

Participation to the Petit déjeuner en blu is completely free of charge, with mandatory reservation at

The initiative is a free interpretation of the internationally renowned Diner en Blanc. “Le petit déjeuner en blu - Indigo Mix Jacquard Malìparmi” is a picnic on the ground where everything - from clothes to eating accessories - must be nothing but blu.

Each participant must organize and bring from home: tablecloths, pillows, plates, food, water, tea, coffee, milk and any sweet or salty snacks they want to prepare for the occasion.

Plastic, paper and cans are forbidden. Garbage bags and ashtrays for smokers are mandatory.

Kids are welcome and a workshop will be held for them from 10.45: “Piantala… là” (6-12 year olds), organized by the association Sestante di Venezia and by San Servolo srl together with Venice International University - TEN Program on Sustainability. For about two hours in the garden of the island a game based on the Chutes and Ladders teaches sustainability to kids. Mandatory reservation


9am-10am Buongiorno!! arrivo ospiti (only upon reservation)

10.45am Workshop “Piantala… là” (only upon reservation)

11an “Conversando con…” Simone RUGIATI (free event)

For further information and reservations:


Twitter: @artnightvenezia

Facebook: artnight venezia

Instagram: @artnightvenezia
