In March 2018 Ca’ Foscari University of Venice will hold the 8th edition of the Ca’ Foscari Short film Festival and organize conferences and symposia on the occasion of the two exhibitions on display, on Buddhist Art of Dunhuang in collaboration with the Dunhuang Research Academy and the Dunhuang Culture Promotion Foundation in the main building and on Back to Life in Iraq at the Oratorio San Ludovico and at the island of San Servolo.
March 1st
Lecture, Mogao grottoes as wunderkammern and the mirabilia of salvation, Neil Schmid, Researcher, Center for Silk Road and Dunhuang Studies at the Dunhuang Research Academy
1.30pm, Aula Baratto
The lecture will be held on the occasion of the exhibition on Buddhist Art of Dunhuang open until April 8th at the exhibition spaces of Ca’ Foscari (open daily from 10.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. except for Tuesdays until April 8th). Welcome Address by Tiziana Lippiello, Vice Rector of Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.
Free entrance and subject to availability of places.
Organized by Ca' Foscari University of Venice, Dunhuang Research Academy, Dunhuang Culture Promotion Foundation
The page of the event
March 1st
Lecture, Iconoclastia e politica, Salvatore Settis (held in Italian)
5.30pm, Ca’ Dolfin
The lecture will be held on the occasion of the exhibition Back to Life in Iraq (Open daily from 3pm to 7pm until March 4th, at the Oratorio San Ludovico (Calle dei Vecchi, Dorsoduro 2552) with Iraqi artist Matti al-Kanun’s paintings and photojournalist Emanuele Confortin’s photographs.
Organized by the International Center for the Humanities and Social Change, Nuova Icona, San Servolo Servizi Metropolitani di Venezia
The poster of the event
March 7th
Symposium, Theory and Practice in the Music of the Islamic World: Study Day in Honour of Owen Wright
Concert, Tuning the Past: New Music from Ancient Manuscripts
5.30pm-7pm, Auditorium Santa Margherita
Organized by the Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage, Fondazione Giorgio Cini
The poster of the event
March 12th
Conference, Writers in Conversation: Christopher Bollen (held in English)
4.30pm, Ca' Bernardo
As part of the series Writers in conversation, the author will discuss with professor Simone Francescato
Organized by Ca' Foscari University of Venice, Verso Incroci, Bollati Boringhieri, CFZwriters
The poster of the event
March 16th
Conference, Writers in Conversation: Guido Mazzoni (held in Italian)
3.30pm, Ca' Bernardo
As part of the series Writers in conversation, the author and poet will discuss with professors Filippomaria Pontani and Alessandro Cinquegrani.
Organized by Ca' Foscari University of Venice, CFZwriters
The poster of the event
March 16th
Vernissage, Back to Life in Iraq - Art, destruction, regeneration
Conference, Emanuele Confortin, Matti al-Kanun, Abdoul Jabbar Mustafa, Giancarlo Bosetti, Carlotta Sami, Sara De Vido, Elisabetta Zendri, Vittorio Urbani, Shaul Bassi
3pm / 7pm, San Servolo island
This conference will be held in the island of San Servolo as part of the exhibition “Back to Life in Iraq”.
The poster of the event
March 21st-24th
Festival, Ca’ Foscari Short Film Festival
Auditorium Santa Margherita
The first European film festival managed by university students has reached its 8th edition. 30 short films from all around the world will compete for the international competition under the scrutiny of a prestigious jury made of Marcin Bortkiewicz, Hayashi Hiroki and Roberta Torre, while prestigious guests including British director Peter Greenaway and American animator Robb Pratt will hold lectures and masterclasses.
Free entrance and subject to availability of places.
The website of the Festival