On Tuesday January 30th the new Advisory Board of the Department of Economics of Ca’ Foscari University of Venice will meet. It includes internationally respected entrepreneurs, managers and scholars such as Paolo Costa (President of the Port Authority of Venice and former Rector of Ca’ Foscari), Roberto Crosta (Secretary General of Veneto’s Chamber of Commerce), Arrigo Cipriani (President of Cipriani S.p.A), Alessandro Favaretto Rubelli (President of Rubelli), Michele Boldrin, (Washington University in Saint Louis), Stephen Schaefer (London Business School) just to name a few. 38 social partners’ referees are supported by a commission for the internationalization of education which includes 10 professors from prestigious universities and research institutes.
The Department that was recently recognized as one of the top Italian departments decided to establish an Advisory Board, a committee that delivers opinions and suggestions for strategic choices and procedures such as degree programmes annual updating, developing new research areas and programming the ‘third mission’. The Board was established in the year of the 150th anniversary of Ca’ Foscari, established in 1868 as the first business school in Italy (and second in Europe), and after receiving a substantial funding offered by the Italian Ministry of Education and Research as a top department.
The Advisory Board will meet on Tuesday January 30th 2018 at 4.30pm at the Campus of Economics and will be chaired by the Head of the Department of Economics, professor Monica Billio, supported by the Department Committee and by the coordinators of the six Teaching Committees of the Bachelor’s and Master’s programmes.
“The Department of Economics - Monica Billio explains - is enriched by the input of experts, scholars, professionals and Italian and international entrepreneurs in order to bring to the attention of our fellow colleagues and researchers - as well as students - all segments of our dynamic and global society. This support will be particularly important during the reevaluation of the degree programmes, the research areas and the third mission activities. The goal is to efficiently combine our 150 years old economic tradition with the current needs and opportunities.”
The composition of the Board:
Social partners’ referees: Lucia Anselmi, Managing Director of Commissione di Vigilanza sui Fondi Pensione - COVIP; Anna Argentati, Autorità Garante della Concorrenza e del Mercato; Stefano Battini, President of the Scuola Nazionale dell'Amministrazione - Office of the President of the Council of Ministers; Daniela Beltrame, Director of the Ufficio Scolastico Regionale per il Veneto; Luca Bertalot, Secretary General of the European Mortgage Federation – European Covered Bond Council (EMF-ECBC); Mauro Bonin, Director of Area Sanità e Sociale, Director of Azienda Zero, Veneto region; Leandro Francesco Bovo, Area Manager Banca Generali; Edoardo Caovilla, CEO and Creative Director, René Caovilla S.p.A.; Arrigo Cipriani, President of Cipriani S.p.A.; Marina Collautti, Head of Employer Branding, Recruiting and Mobility, Generali Italia; Paolo Costa, President of the Port Authority of Venice and former Rector of Ca’ Foscari; Roberto Crosta, Secretary General of Veneto’s Chamber of Commerce Rovigo Delta Lagunare; Massimo Da Re, President of the Ordine dei Dottori Commercialisti e Esperti Contabili di Venezia; Efisio Gonaro Espa, President of the Consorzio Sviluppo Metodologie e Innovazioni nelle Pubbliche Amministrazioni – MIPA; Alessandro Favaretto Rubelli, President of Rubelli S.p.A.; Francesco Fiore, Managing Director of Venetex – Circuito Credito Commerciale; Isabella Fumagalli, Head of Italy, BNP ParibasCardif; Francesco Giacomin, Regional Secretary of Confartigianato Veneto; Pierluigi Gilibert, CEO European Investment Fund; Michele Graziani, Consimp - Studio associato di consulenza d'impresa; Christoph Hamelmann, Head of Office, World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe; Andrea Mairate, European Commission; Marco Michielli, Vice-President of Confturismo Italia and President of Confturismo Veneto; Giuseppe Milan, General Director of Unindustria Treviso; Franco Mognato, Director of LegaCoop Veneto; Antonella Nonino, Managing Director of Nonino Distillatori SRL; Ilario Novella, President of Federazione Veneta delle Banche di Credito Cooperativo; Luisella Pavan Woolfe, Head of the Council of Europe Office in Venice; Stefania Radoccia, Partner EY; Matteo Rettore, Director CNA Padova; Santo Romano, Director of Regione del Veneto, Area Capitale Umano, Cultura e Programmazione Comunitaria; Alessandro Rota, Director of Consiglio Regionale del Veneto, Servizio Attività e Rapporti Istituzionali; Onofrio Rota, General Secretary CISL Veneto; Paolo Stefan, Director of Solidarietà Veneto Fondo Pensione; Ruggero Targhetta, Managing Director of Progetti di Ricerca e Innovazione in Agricoltura – P.R.I.A.; Federico Silvio Toniato, Vice-General Secretary of the italian Senate; Giacomo Vendrame, General Secretary of CGIL Treviso; Helene Zago, HR Manager Rossimoda S.p.A., LVMH Fashion Group.
The 10 scholars for the internationalization of education: Michele Boldrin, Washington University in Saint Louis, Visiting Professor at Ca’ Foscari; Andrea Gamba, The University of Warwick; Mila Getmansky, Isenberg School of Management, University of Massachusetts Amherst; Eric Girardin, Université Aix Marseille; Jean-Michel Grandmont, Honorary Fellow Ca' Foscari, Center for Research in Economics and Statistics - CREST Paris; Dominique Guégan, Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne; Gaelle Lefol, Université Paris-Dauphine; Alain Monfort, Honorary Fellow Ca' Foscari - CREST Paris; Stephen Schaefer, Honorary Fellow Ca' Foscari, London Business School; Simone Varotto, Reading University.