Travelling abroad with Ca’ Foscari professors: the ‘Ca’ Foscari Travellers Club’


Ca’ Foscari University of Venice offers a new way to international group traveling through culture: guided by professors the trip becomes ‘travelling culture’. A unique lively and dynamic experience open to everyone: curious travel enthusiasts, neophytes or not.

The Ca’ Foscari Travellers Club was created at the initiative of Fondazione Ca’ Foscari. The project marked a turning point in 2017 collaborating with Best Tours Italia. The cultural commitment of Ca’ Foscari meets the organization and logistics of Best Tour to provide a wide offer of destinations from classic itineraries such as India, China and Iran to more unusual yet fascinating ones such as Armenia, Ethiopia, Cambodia, Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan, to a broad audience. This new offer is dedicated to those who want to enjoy incomparable cultural travels and discover new countries through their history and traditions with a new perspective.

This innovative formula is completely different from the usual organized tours for its historic, artistic and cultural approach and the preparation of each trip by a university professor with a lifelong background, work and research on the chosen country who will guide the travellers throughout the trip.

Their precious indications on the cities, the monuments, the places of worship and the landscapes open new horizons each day. A global approach involving philosophy, literature, art, history, tradition and religion bring the visitors to a deep understanding of the place they visit and to experience intensely their new environment which becomes more and more familiar.

Ca' Foscari Travellers Club is an initiative promoted by the university in collaboration with the Fondazione Università Ca’ Foscari and Best Tours for technical organization

Next departures: Cambodia (December 30th 2017), Ethiopia (January 18th 2018) and Armenia (January 22nd 2018).

For more information on the travel programmes, conditions of participation and reservation, contact


Photographs in this page: Monastery (Armenia), Dunhuang Gobi desert (China), religious ceremony (India)