A QR code for information and contacts on safety and inclusion


QR Your Rights is one of Ca' Foscari’s initiatives to support and promote inclusion, safety and well-being in our community. Scanning a QR code, which will soon be disseminated in all university venues, will take you to the Ca’ Foscari Inclusiva webpage, which contains information and contacts on these important topics.

In one place, you will find emergency contact numbers if you feel in danger, support contacts for study or work-related issues, reporting channels for inappropriate behaviour, harassment and discrimination, resources for psychological support, and information about your rights.

The project was presented to the university community on International Women's Day, March 8. Sara De Vido, Delegate for Gender Equality and GEP Team coordinator, and Sabrina Marchetti, President of the University's Equal Opportunities, Employees’ Well-being and Inclusion Committee (CUG), collaborated on its implementation.

QR Your Rights is part of the CUG's initiatives and is open to feedback from members of the Ca’ Foscari community. By completing the dedicated Google form, you can suggest other topics, services, tips, and addresses that you think would be useful to have in the QR Your Rights space.