Combat the stresses of modern life with a course of Tai Chi at university


Ca’ Foscari University offers a new and unprecedented opportunity to all faculty and staff: a free course of 25 hours of Tai Chi, an ancient Chinese practice that helps to restore and maintain physical and inner balance that is continuously undermined by the stresses of the modern world. An ancient practice that is extraordinarily effective and modern for the globality of its approach on the person.
The course is the result of a synergy between the Confucius Institute Venice, the Human Resources  Area and the Department of Asian and North African Studies (DSAAM) at Ca’ Foscari. The scientific advisor is Professor Tiziana Lippiello, who below frames the initiative:

"For a long time I have been thinking of starting a course of Taijiquan (Tai Chi) at Ca’ Foscari and I shared the idea with the directors of the Confucius Institute, Professors Marco Ceresa and Li Shuqing. Together with the human resources area and DSAAM we decided to dedicate this first edition to the staff of Ca’ Foscari, to offer a growing body of discipline and spiritual teaching to professors and administrative staff, contributing to their well-being. Taiji, if practiced consistently, facilitates the coordination of physiological functions; some studies have shown that, in addition to being a meditation practice, it can also be a form of preventive medicine. It is a practice from ancient China that is still very relevant in contemporary China. Walking through the streets of modern Beijing and Shanghai, it is common to find both children and the elderly practicing Taiji, either solitary or in groups with a teacher. Usually they practice in the early morning or at sunset, for the correct coordination of man with nature "

The course, taught by master Luciano Puricelli, will span over 25 lessons, each lasting one hour. The lessons will take place every Tuesday and Thursday from 8.30am - 9.30am starting from January 12th 2017 until April 6th 2017 at Ca’ Foscari Zattere – CFZ.

Sign up before Wednesday, December 21st at 12 noon, through the following link: (you must log in with your university credentials). In the days immediately following the first 25 candidates will be contacted asking to give confirmation of participation by sending their medical certificate.
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