Quindicipercento. Discussing Disability around the world


The Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, in collaboration with the artist Christian Tasso and the cultural association Equality, have initiated the cultural project "Quindicipercento - discussing disability around the world" which will run from the beginning of October until January 2017. The project aims to raise awareness of the issue of the rights of people with disabilities in different social and cultural contexts, conveying the importance of inclusion as a lever for sustainable development of society, in social and economic terms.

The project anticipates the exhibition of a selection of photographs by Christian Tasso, which chronicle the lives of people with disabilities in different parts of the world, highlighting the approaches of different communities.
The exhibition, curated by Diego Mantoan, will be held at Ca’ Foscari Zattere and will be inaugurated on Friday, December 2nd 2016. Admission is free and the event will be open to everyone.
An integral part of the project will be a selection of public seminars on topics generated from the pictures (to be held at the same venue, on every Tuesday in December) and workshop activities dedicated to students, thus stimulating an active involvement of the entire Ca’ Foscari community and of the surrounding area.

The issue of disability will be analyzed from different points of view, investigating the cultural, social, scientific and economic factors that characterize it, involving not only teachers and students but also organizations and national and international experts.
The initiative will be lead through artistic, cultural and educational mediums, making the audience reflect on the moral responsibility of every citizen to hinder any form of discrimination and violation of human rights, as established by the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, to ensure equality and social inclusion.

Students can participate in the project, realizing thematic research, by participating in the construction of the exhibition, in practical workshops for the production of the catalog and creating dedicated guided tours for high school students.
Interested applicants must register for the project by completing the online form by Wednesday, October 5th 2016.

For more details, please consult the relevant page.