Inauguration of the Academic Year at the Teatro La Fenice on February 20th


In the year marking the 150th anniversary of its foundation, Ca' Foscari will inaugurate the Academic Year 2017/18 at the Teatro La Fenice on February 20th at 11am, in the presence of the President of the Italian Republic Sergio Mattarella.

During the ceremony an honorary doctorate in Economics will be awarded to Richard Blundell, Ricardo Professor of Political Economy, University College London.

The ceremony programme:

Tuesday February 20th, 11am, Teatro La Fenice

(By invitation only)

Academic Procession

La Fenice Choir

Welcome Address of the Rector

Address by the Students' representative, Ana Dacinoi 

Address by the Technical Administrative Staff's representative, Antonio Soldani

Honorary Doctorate to Professor Sir Richard Blundell, Ricardo Professor of Political Economy, University College London.

Lectio Magistralis, Economic Policy Reform and the Challenge of Inequality, Professor Sir Richard Blundell

La Fenice Choir