Donne&Impresa for the Startup Europe Week


On Thursday 9th February at 10am in the Aula Magna at Ca’ Dolfin, the first edition for 2017 of Donne&Impresa (Women&Business) will begin work.

This is a sequence of seminars supported by Ca' Foscari's Placement Unit to promote a vision of entrepreneurship for women and a reflection on the role and skills of women who are in positions of great power in the world of work.

This date has particular importance because it is the day that the Startup Europe Week program returns; the week across Europe dedicated to start-ups that consists of over 280 events in 40 different countries to celebrate the business community and support the birth and growth of the start-ups.

Opening remarks by
Alberto Capuzzo
Director of Camera Servizi S.r.L. - In house of the Chamber of Commerce I.A.A. Venice Rovigo - Lagoon Delta

Anita Da Ros
CEO and Founder of Kiiva International

Cristina Marzola
Founder of Illa Purses

Carmen Palmisano
Co-founder and software engineer at 14 TEC


Anna Comacchio
Ca' Foscari University of Venice


Reserve your spot here