Photographer Ferdinando Scianna meets Ca' Foscari students


One of Italy’s most important figures in photography, and a historical member of the Magnum agency, Ca’ Foscari students will have the chance to meet Ferdinand Scianna at Ca' Foscari Zattere on Friday October 14th.

In Venice for the exhibition “Ferdinando Scianna – The Venetian Ghetto 500 years later” at Tre Oci until January 8th, 2017, Scianna (born Bagheria, July 4th, 1943) is the famed student of Leonardo Sciascia, the first Italian reporter to be a part of the well-known agency Magnum, who was recruited by the great master Henri Cartier – Bresson. Ferdinando Scianna will meet students at 11:30am (free admission).

With the collaboration of Civita Tre Venezie, Scianna was commissioned to put together a “street photography” style photo feature by the Fondazione di Venezia in honour of the 500th anniversary of the establishment of the Venetian Ghetto. He collected a myriad of images of daily life in the Ghetto, from portraits to architecture, to the inside of houses, to places of worship.

Speaking with the photographer will be Fabio Achilli, Director of the Fondazione di VEnezia, Denis Curti, Artistic Director of Casa dei Tre Oci, and exhibit curator, and Ca’ Foscari University Professor, Alberto Prandi.