Senate elections: the outcome of the vote


Faculty and researchers, technical and administrative staff, temporary advisors and language assistants voted for their representatives at the Academic Senate of Ca' Foscari University of Venice

Here are the results:

Twelve representatives for faculty, including four head of departments:

1. Billio Monica

2. Ceresa Marco

3. Marcomini Antonio

4. Barbieri Giuseppe

5. Riello Pietro

6. Ojeda Calvo Maria del Valle

7. Cresci Giovannella

8. Zilio Grandi Gaetano

9. Pontani Filippo Maria

10.  Campostrini Stefano

11.  Rigobon Patrizio

12.  Vescovi Tiziano

Three representative for the technical and administrative staff and temporary advisors and language assistants:

1. Soldani Antonio

2. Esposto Elisabetta

3. Tripodi Antonio


Heads of department: 87,55%

Faculty: 83,79%

Technical administrative staff and temporary advisors and Language assistants: 57,39%

The new representatives will be in charge from September 30th 2017, at the end of the previously elected representatives’ term.

The outcome of the vote has been published on the dedicated page.


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