Student assembly renewal, vote online on 4, 5 and 6 May


The elections for the renewal of the student assembly in the governance of Ca’ Foscari will be held online on 4, 5 and 6 May. You can vote to elect the students who will represent you for the next two academic years inside the Academic Senate, the Board of Governors, the Departmental Boards, Joint Committees and Quality Assurance Boards and the Interdepartmental Research Centre “School of Economics, Languages and Entrepreneurship” of Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.

Every vote counts
and can make a difference. In order for the elections to be valid, the quorum is fixed at 10% of the eligible votes for each governing body. Therefore, everyone is encouraged to collaborate so that the voice of our students can be equitably heard in Ca’ Foscari’s administration.

As always, the vote for student assembly is a valuable opportunity for students to make their voices heard and participate actively in university life. Voting for student assembly means caring about the future of the university and of its community – it allows students to voice their vision and requests inside the governing bodies that play such an important role in making decisions and giving a direction to the university.
Here you can find a summary of the most important information you need to know before voting starts. You can also find all the details regarding the election on the dedicated webpage [ITA].

Who can vote?

Every Ca’ Foscari student can vote, provided that s/he is enrolled (also “fuoricorso”, i.e. students enrolled beyond the allotted time to attain a degree) at Ca’ Foscari, including students of Advanced Training Schools and PhD programmes.  

When and how can I vote?
Voting will happen electronically, from 10 a.m. on 4 May until 10 a.m. on 6 May. Further information on the voting process will be communicated at least 15 days before the election starts.

Who can be elected?
The election is open to all students enrolled for the first time and not more than a year beyond the allotted time to attain a degree, be it a Bachelor’s Degree, a Master’s Degree or a PhD at Ca’ Foscari.

How can one stand as a candidate?

Students can stand as candidates inside a list, which needs to be submitted by 1 p.m. on Thursday, 8 April 2021 by sending an e-mail to the Institutional Affairs Office (

For further updates on the elections, keep an eye on our communication channels!