Meet Liana Finck, cartoonist for The New Yorker


Liana Finck, a young and brilliant cartoonist for the historic weekly New Yorker, will be the guest of the next round of Ca' Foscari’s 'Writers in Conversation', which takes place on Tuesday, September 13 at 5:30 pm at the CFZ Cultural Flow Zone. Professor Pia Masiero (Ca’ Foscari Univeristy of Venice) will be talking to her about her work.

Liana arrived in Venice after participating in the Festival of Cortina d'Ampezzo ‘A Mountain of Books’. We met at Ca' Foscari, waiting to listen to her at CFZ. She told us of her work at the New Yorker and her relationship with social media, in particular with Instagram. Speaking of freedom of satire in the US, she comments: "I do not like political comics nor do I understand politics, however, I don’t think anyone would end up in prison for drawing a cartoon of Donald Trump." Notwithstanding this, she does not deny to be concerned about the outcome of the upcoming US elections, "I can see the similarities between America today and the Weimar Republic and I would not want them to end in the same way." She is still unsure whether Venice has inspired any new characters for her work, but before arriving she had already published a cartoon about things that Americans asked her when she told them where she was travelling to.

There will be a translation into English during the meeting at CFZ.
Access will be free up to the capacity of the room. An Aperitif will follow the event.

Liana Finck studied Fine Art and Graphic Design at Cooper Union College. Already a Fullbright Fellow and recipient of a Six Points Fellowship for Emerging Jewish Artists, her work is published in the New Yorker, on The Forward and on Tablet. She currently resides in New York.