Ca’ Foscari Agenda: December


Ca’ Foscari will organize several events in December for its community and beyond. In particular the vernissage of the first historical photography exhibition of Ca’ Foscari University of Venice on the occasion of the presentation of the initiatives designed for the 150th anniversary of the university in 2018 on December 12th.
The university will be closed on October 8th and for its Winter Break from December 23rd 2017 to January 5th 2018.

December 1st

Mitsubishi Corporation for Ca’ Foscari University Students
10.30am, Auditorium Santa Margherita, upon reservation
JALEA (Japanese e-Learning System) Project Closing Ceremony and Future Perspectives. Download the poster of the event.

Climate Change - The Great Challenge
4.30pm, CFZ - Ca’ Foscari Cultural Flow Zone, free entrance
Public event: presentation of the selected works in the 5th edition of the contest dedicated to climate change. For more information: ​

December 2nd

Ca' Foscari Forward - edizione 2017
5.30pm, Aula Baratto
Career award to a Ca’ Foscari alumni organized by the Ca’ Foscari Alumni association.

December 4th

Erasmus, a never-ending story
3pm, Auditorium Santa Margherita
The poster of the event.

BCG - The Future Makers. An extraordinary platform for talent acceleration
3pm, Economic Campus, for young graduates and students
For economics and informatics Ca’ Foscari graduates with a strong interest in management.
The poster of the event.

December 6th

Vernissage of the exhibition "La città vuota"
5.30pm, CFZ - Cultural Flow Zone, Free entrance
Francesca Occhi, photographer, and Sebastiano Girardi, graphic designer, will present their vision of Venice.

December 12th

Vernissage of the photography exhibition on the occasion of the introduction of Ca’ Foscari 150
Noon, Ca’ Foscari courtyard, free entrance
Vernissage of the first historical photography exhibition of Ca’ Foscari University of Venice on the occasion of the presentation of the initiatives designed for the 150th anniversary of the university in 2018.

December 13th

Winter Party
4pm, Auditorium Santa Margherita, for Ca’ Foscari international students
Greetings from the Welcome Unit - International Office and Arcana Opera’s lesson/concert for the international students at Ca’ Foscari.
The poster of the event.