The perception of Russian art outside national borders


The perception of Russian Art in Europe and in the United States is the central theme of a significant international conference coordinated by Silvia Burini, Director of the Research Centre on Russian Culture and Arts (CSAR) at Ca’ Foscari University and promoted in collaboration with the Society of Historians of East European, Eurasian, and Russian Art and Architecture, Inc. (SHERA) and the Cambridge Courtauld Russian Art Centre (CCRAC), an international network of research institutes which have been collaborating since 2013 - even if this is their first joint initiative.

The conference will bring together researchers from around Europe, the United States and Russia for the 100th anniversary of the October Revolution, who will consider a significant time horizon, prior to 1917, to analyse the global perception of Russian art in every age outside national borders. An intense scientific reflexion and dialogue that aims to cast light on more efficient instruments and perspectives in this rich field of study, with the participation of important Russian museums and art collectors.

All events will take place in the Auditorium Santa Margherita at the University Ca' Foscari.  

Registration mandatory on the website