Ca' Foscari for International Women’s Day


Ca’ Foscari University of Venice contributes to International Women’s Day with an event of reflection and debate open to all.

On Wednesday 8th March at 3:30pm in the Squellini Courtyard scholars and researchers from Ca’ Foscari will read significant passages that vary from Christa Wolf to Ipazia, from Serena Dandini to Eve Ensler and from Aude Lorde to Simona Vinci.

On this occasion, the women of Ca’ Foscari are committed to overcoming gender stereotypes and sexism, affirming the effectiveness of rights and the autonomy of women.

There will also be another event taking place at 3:30pm, “The Three Guineas of Virginia Woolf” at CFZ at Zattere. Students will read texts about maverick women that they wrote for Wikipedia, in their original language.


At 8.30pm at the Ca’ Foscari TheatreCorrelazioni – altre destinazioni presents Sconcertate, by the Gesti Per Niente Company. Five young actresses - Claudia Bellemo, Silvia De Bastiani, Lucia Messina, Elena Nico and Alessandra Quattrini - take the stage, portraying a collage of female personalities between irony and reality.