Taiwan Cinema Week at Ca’ Foscari: dedicated to the girls


Taiwan Cinema Week at Ca’ Foscari: dedicated to the girls.
The Taiwan Cinema Week 'New Generations: Feminine Perspectives”  with special focus on female filmmakers, will be held on Friday, November 4th 2016 (9:45am – 11:00pm), and on the 7th and 8th November 2016 (8:00pm to 11:00pm) in the Santa Margherita Auditorium.

The Department of Asian and North African Studies at the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice presents the third edition of projections and meetings devoted to Taiwanese cinema, in collaboration with the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of China (Taiwan), part of the Spotlight Taiwan Project.

Three representatives of the new generation of directors winning important international awards, Cho Li, Rina Tsou and Liu Chia-hsin, will be the guests of honor of the third Taiwan Cinema Week which will focus on new (gender) perspectives and new modes of filmmaking in Taiwan. Cho Li, Rina Tsou and Liu Chia-hsin presented their films at major international film festivals such as Cannes, Berlin and Venice. They have received critical acclaim and numerous awards in both the European and Asian festival circuit.
The director, screenwriter and producer Cho Li received international attention thanks to the film The Rice Bomber, screened at the International Film Festival of Berlin in 2014. The director will present the international premiere of her latest comedy Ace of Sales, which came out in Taiwan in September. Rina Tsou is a director and screenwriter of short films; she made several shorts including Arnie (2015) which was screened at the 2016 Cannes Film Festival. In relation to women's issues, in the short film Fan Fan (2015) Liu Chia-hsin analyzes the relationship between a woman and her own body and received an award at the Women Make Wave Festival of Taipei. In addition to the works of these directors, the film Finding Sayun, directed by Laha Mebow, is a movie exploring the everyday lives and family relations in a village of Taiwanese aborigines. Finding Sayun has been indicated by the scholar Wafa Ghermani as one of the most significant pieces of work produced by young Taiwanese directors. Rina Tsou and Liu Chia-hsin, short film directors, were given a ‘blank canvas’ to select a Taiwanese feature film of recent years which has influenced them. Rina Tsou selected Pinoy Sunday (2009), award-winning Filipino-Taiwanese co-production. Liu Chia-hsin opted instead for the film God Man Dog (2007) which was produced by Cho Li. These films will be the focus of this year's programme which will also include debates and discussions on topics such as gender in Taiwanese and Asian cinema, new perspectives in the cinema of Taiwan, and Taiwanese transnational cinema. The discussions will involve Wafa Ghermani (film scholar, University of Paris-Sorbonne), Giovanna Fulvi (expert on Chinese cinema, film programmer for the Toronto Film Festival and member of the Selection Committee of Rome Film Festival) and Elena Pollacchi (film scholar and consultant to the selection of Chinese-language films for the International film Festival of Venice).
The 3rd Taiwan Cinema Week is curated by Elena Pollacchi (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice) as part of the Spotlight Taiwan Project - Scientific Manager Federica Passi (Ca' Foscari University of Venice).

The screenings are free and open to the public. The films will be shown in their original language with English subtitles.

Facebook: Taiwan Cinema Week
Info:  film.taiwan2@gmail.com