
Bauhaus of the Seas in Venice, watch the videos of the conference

The international conference on the sea, the environment and sustainability took place on 20 and 21 September, with the participation of prestigious guests from the Italian and European political, scientific and cultural scene.

Ca' Foscari joins the EUTOPIA European University network

The international alliance, funded by the European Commission, is aimed at strengthening the international competitivity of European universities and creating a new model for higher education in Europe.

Green Pass and in-person teaching: read the Rector's message

In a message to the Ca' Foscari community, Rector Lippiello has announced the resumption of in-person teaching activities, as well as other important information concerning the upcoming academic year.

Teaching and learning activities in September: the message of the Rector

In a message to Ca' Foscari's community, the Rector, Tiziana Lippiello, shares information regarding the resumption of in-person teaching and learning activities and the use of the dual mode.

Summer closing dates and variations in opening times

Ca’ Foscari University of Venice will be closed from 9 to 14 August 2021 and will reopen on Monday 16 August. 

House-hunting in Venice? Ca' Foscari can help!

Are you looking for accommodation in Venice? Ca’ Foscari can help you find it! Read on to discover the opportunities the university offers and the new options available from September 2021.

What Erasmus+ ICM can do for you

What skills do students develop when they participate in the Erasmus+ ICM (International Credit Mobility) programme? Let’s discover them on World Youth Skills Day.

SIE Foundation Year: your ticket to an undergraduate degree in Italy

The Foundation Year of Ca’ Foscari’s School for International Education (SIE) prepares international students for undergraduate studies in Italy. Applications for 2021/2022 are open until 4 July. Read on to learn more about this opportunity! 

6,000 m2 for science: the Epsilon building opens in September

The Epsilon building on the Scientific Campus in Via Torino is currently being furnished. According to the Rector, Tiziana Lippiello, “Opening Epsilon means enriching research areas, services and teaching, with a view to promoting interdisciplinarity, sustainability and innovation.”