
Paolo Calvetti new director of the Italian Institute of Culture in Tokyo

The new director appointed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs Gentiloni as head of the Italian Cultural Institute in Tokyo comes from Ca’ Foscari: Paolo Calvetti, director of the Department of Asian and North African Studies

The Vice President of the African Union Commission at Ca’ Foscari

On Monday the 12th of December the Vice President of the African Union Commission, Erastus J.O. Mwencha, has given a seminar on 'Economic Policies and Opportunities for the Future of the African Continent' at 4:30pm at Ca’ Dolfin

Archaeology in 3D: a virtual visit to a shipwreck

An example of computer vision applied to archaeology in the multidisciplinary project of a student during the first edition of the Professional Master's programme in Digital Humanities

Antonio Marcato new Head of Administration at Ca' Foscari

From the Polytechnic University of Milan to Ca’ Foscari University of Venice: Antonio Marcato is the new Head of Administration for the Venetian university. Proposed by Rector Michele Bugliesi, with a unanimous favorable opinion from the Academic Senate, and appointed by the Board of Governors, Dr. Marcato will begin his new role at the University as of January 9th 2017

The Rector's mission to Israel

Michele Bugliesi, Rector of Ca’ Foscari, was recently in Israel to consolidate and extend agreements currently in progress with Tel Aviv University and Hebrew University regarding mobility and exchange projects for students and teachers in different scientific disciplines of the university

Do you study Japanese? Ca’ Foscari can introduce you to 190 businesses

A cooperation agreement between Ca’ Foscari and the Japanese Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Italy has been signed, with the objective to increase potential jobs and internships for students and alumni in Japanese companies in Italy or Italian businesses that work with Japan

Honorary Fellowship to Irina Bokova, Director General of UNESCO

Thursday, November 3rd, at 3.30pm in Aula Baratto at the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice Irina Bokova, UNESCO Director General, will receive the title of Honorary Fellow that was awarded to her in 2012

Taiwan Cinema Week at Ca’ Foscari: dedicated to the girls

The Taiwan Cinema Week 'New Generations: Feminine Perspectives”, with special focus on female filmmakers, will start on November 4th in the Santa Margherita Auditorium. The screenings are free and the films will be shown in their original language with English subtitles

On October 31, the University is closed

The University will be closed on Monday, October 31 in occasion of the feast of All Saints. Business as usual will resume on Wednesday, November 2nd