
MIM Master: a bridge between the two shores of the Mediterranean

A truly inter-cultural offer, teaching that takes place in three different European countries, an international faculty and student population: this is what the MIM Master offers

International call opens for the Director of Science Gallery Venice

Apply before February 17th. In these days Science Gallery Venice participates in the World Economic Forum in Davos

New language proposals from CLA, tailored for those who teach or work in an international context

From February to May 2017 the University Language Centre, in addition to traditional language classes, enriches its offer with short modules, of 36 or 24 hours, suitable for those who need support to use foreign languages in academic settings or International business

Agreement between Ca’ Foscari and Al-Farabi Kazakh National University for the mobility of students and researchers

The Ca’ Foscari University of Venice and the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (Republic of Kazakhstan) have signed a cooperation agreement for exchange programmes between professors, students and staff members of the two institutions

Ca' Foscari offers a tuition fee waiver to 100 international freshers

The top 100 international freshers enrolling in 2017/2018, selected by the University, will be exempt from tuition fees due to the University for the first year of enrollment. This may be continued in the following years on the basis of exam results

Ca’ Foscari is the third university in Italy for the quality of its research

Ca’ Foscari is ranked on the podium of ANVUR for the quality of its research from 2011-2014: the Venetian University comes third for state universities

Ca’ Foscari announces Science Gallery Venice

The Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, in collaboration with the Venetian District for Research and Innovation, announces Science Gallery Venice, a unique space in which science and technology will dialogue with art and design, inspiring new ways of thinking and generating innovation

HAPPY HOLIDAYS! University closed December 24th-January 8th

Both the buildings and offices of Ca’ Foscari will close for Christmas from Saturday the 24th of December until Sunday the 8th of January, with the exception of the university libraries: see the news for more details.

VideomakARS - Venice Edition, the three winners on Youtube

"DiscoVEr", "Dream Your Future" and "Venice bridging time", the three winning videos of "VideomakARS - Venice Edition" are now available on Youtube.