
2026 Winter Olympics, Ca’ Foscari analyzed the economic impact

Over 1 billion euros in expenses and investments  and and about 14.000 new jobs - these are the estimated numbers for the Milan-Cortina 2026 Winter Olympics, according to a Ca' Foscari study. 

More energy needed to cope with climate change

A new study published today in Nature Communications found that by mid-century climate change will increase the demand for energy globally

The epic search for the oldest ice in Antarctica has started

The aim of the 'Beyond EPICA Oldest Ice Core' initiative is to drill and collect ice samples from up to 1.5 Million years ago in Antarctica, to find out more about greenhouse gases in the Mid-Pleistocene Transition.

Ca’ Foscari inaugurates new Center for Digital and Public Humanities

The DPH@Ca’Foscari will focus on advancing and sharing scientific research through methods that belong to the Digital and Public Humanities domain, two fields which will also be at the center of dedicated research projects and activities.

Ca' Foscari researchers invent sensor that can detect PFAS

The electrochemical sensor can measure the concentration of perfluorooctanesulfonate (PFOS), one of the most common and dangerous molecules in the PFAS family.

Antarctica: a drilling site to extract the "longest" climate archive ever

European researchers will extract ice cores to investigate the climate history of the past 1.5 million year. Italy will also join the project thanks to a team of experts coordinated by Professor Carlo Barbante of Ca' Foscari University of Venice. 

From a Ca' Foscari University spinoff, a kit to boost cancer research

The kit makes it possible to grow organoids, i.e., miniaturised three-dimensional organs obtained from a few cells which can self-organise to reproduce the functions of the target organ. The development of organoids for research is considered one of the greatest scientific advances of recent years.

Zero CO2: here is the handbook to cut emissions

CMCC@Ca'Foscari is part of an international research team that traces the path to support the Paris Agreement climate goal, address climate change and achieve sustainable development. 

Marie Curie Fellow Alexander Araya on mass tourism and social movements

Alexander will spend two years at the Department of Linguistics and Comparative Cultural Studies. Today he tells us more about his Marie Curie experience and how it has opened his eyes on the complexity of society and life itself