
Studying the myth of Saint Mark’s basilica

The influence of the church of the Holy Apostles on the Venitian basilica at the center of the 'Marie Curie' project that brought the Italo-Greek researcher Beatrice Daskas to Venice.

Climate, here is the scientific explanation of frost in Flemish paintings

Between the fifteenth and seventeenth century, Europe and North America experienced a Little Ice Age represented in the snowy landscapes painted by Flemish masters since the Renaissance. A research published yesterday explains why.

Data science and society, Quattrochiocchi will develop research at Ca’ Foscari

Walter Quattrociocchi, internationally renowned researcher for his studies on online disinformation, will be part of the Department of Environmental Sciences, Informatics and Statistics at Ca’ Foscari, where he will fund the Laboratory of Data Science and Complexity.

Anthropocene began with fires 3000 years ago

Ca’ Foscari and Cnr scientists investigated ice and lake core records in Asia, America and Europe, and glaciers in the Alps and Himalaya to understand when anthropocene begun.

For 12 Venetian Businesses creative heritage to strengthen competitive edge

Ca’ Foscari is launching the “V_Heritage” project, funded by the European Social Fund through Venetian regional authority to strengthen the competitive edge of Venice’s creative industries, supporting 12 businesses from the Venetian region in discovering their cultural heritage.

The experiment: miniature Ionian Sea to understand Sea vortex phenomena

An international group of oceanographers including Ca' Foscari researchers, will create a miniature Ionian Sea in a pivoting tank of 13 meters diameter and a meter deep which rotates in 3 minutes imitating the Earth rotation in one day at the LEGI Coriolis in Grenoble.

Disinformation on Facebook: contrasting false theories does not benefit to science

Attempts to systematically contrast pseudo-scientific theories or false new that are published on Facebook would be useless or even counter-productive according to a research carried out by an international team lead by Italian researchers published today by the journal PLOS ONE.

Scientists and firms to eliminate chrome from tanning

Tanning without using chrome is possible. Scientists and firms are proving it with the first project dedicated to sustainability of tanning involving researchers of Ca' Foscari University of Venice.

Climate change, new database of temperatures of the last 2000 years

An international team of 98 researchers from 22 countries has released as an open dataset the result of their three years research on evidence on climate change history from natural archives..