
Ortles: after 7000 years, the glacier moves

An international team of scientists has discovered the acceleration of movement in the deepest part of the glacier. The research published on The Cryosphere

Understanding cellular metabolism by applying economic theory

An interdisciplinary team of researchers has applied a born and used theory for economic systems to cell metabolism for the first time. The research, published in IEEE Life Sciences Letters

Archaeomusicology, a new way to learn about the ancient world

Ancient songs come to us from the distant past to influence our present through a new discipline that is gaining momentum and opening up new areas of research: Archaeomusicology

Scholars discuss artificial intelligence and ethical issues

Artificial Intelligence can make every day life easier, but can also control it and influence it in some way, just two of the ‘flipsides’ to the positives

Japanese in an app: The JALEA project, funded by Mitsubishi Corporation

JALEA is an innovative project developed for tablets, PCs and Smartphones, that brings together previous research carried out at the Department of Asian and North African Studies on the development of IT tools to facilitate Japanese language learning

Caucasus: discovery of the first prehistoric obsidian mines

Ca’ Foscari archaeologist Paolo Biagi, of the Department of Asian and North African Studies, discovered obsidian mines on Mount Chikiani, in Georgia

How does the sea change? Oceanographers discuss at Ca’ Foscari

Climatologists, ecologists, oceanographers and meteorologists will meet at Ca’ Foscari on the 23rd - 25th of November to discuss the state and the prospects of research in this area

STOP violence against women. Conference at Ca’ Foscari on November 25th

In memory of the brutal assassination of the Mirabal sisters, killed on Nov. 25th 1960, the United Nations declared November 25th as the “International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women" in 1999

The philosopher and the artist. The thoughts of Wittgenstein and work of Paolozzi

Between Wednesday, November 23rd 2016 - Friday, November 25th 2016, an international conference entitled "The philosopher and artist: The thought of Ludwig Wittgenstein and the work of Eduardo Paolozzi" will take place at Fondazione Querini Stampalia