
World University Rankings: How to (really) include sustainability

Including the universities’ commitment to sustainability in the evaluation of their performance around the world is the new proposal addressed by an interdisciplinary team of researchers of Ca’ Foscari.

Greenhouse for fish and vegetables: Ca’ Foscari starts aquaponics in Veneto, Friuli and Slovenia

Producing lettuce and trouts in the same greenhouse with the same water without land nor pesticides is possible thanks to aquaponics, a ‘green’ technology combining aquaculture and hydroponics.

Decadal climate predictions: Statistics and climate modelling concur to a solution to the estimation and understanding of errors

Climatologists and statisticians have elaborated a method to accurately estimate systematic errors affecting decadal climate predictions and bring great progress in the development of the field.

#neocafoscarini: What is wind? From the US to study renaissance thought on climate

Why is the wind blowing? During Renaissance philosophers and intellectuals discuss the causes of meteorological phenomena such as the wind because they were not satisfied with the ancient outlook. New observations deserved a rewriting of knowledge.

Technology to the service of the family: Ca’ Foscari project

The balance between personal and professional life and managingeveryday life can become a struggle. The project Families_Shares deals with co-projecting an Open Source online platform that helps families in seven European cities.

Researchers, artists and companies draw the changing lagoon

Andreco, an artist and researcher, draws lines on the 19 bays of the building facing the Grand Canal on Fondamenta Santa Lucia to make visible the rising sea level as one of the Artificare initiatives.

Violence towards women: datas, legislation and news. An interview with Sara De Vido

Rimini, Florence, Rome, Lecce are only a few tragic examples of violence against women. Violence is presented by media as the result of a moment of insanity and jealousy. Is that really so?

Great antioxidant properties found in 'Rosa di Verona' and 'radicchio di Chioggia'

It is a known fact that chicory is a healthy food and scientific research at Ca’ Foscari measuring antioxidant properties in seven types of chicory has confirmed it.

ERC, Ca' Foscari wins two grants

Ca’ Foscari University of Venice won two ERC Starting Grants as a host institution with the economist Enrica De Cian and the literature and christian thought researcher Emiliano Fiori who will become associate professors at Ca’ Foscari.