
Fake news from the past

Spread of false information did not start with the Internet: Seemingly ancient inscriptions can be misleading. Two Italian scholars recently discovered that two similar artifacts now kept in Italy and in the United States with what seemed to be Early Christian inscriptions had in fact been purchased on the Roman antiques market at the beginning of the 20th century and were produced by the same forger.

Reconstructing the history of mankind with the help of fecal sterols. First test on the Maori

Scientists at Ca' Foscari University of Venice and the Institute for the Dynamics of Environmental Processes (CNR) have proven the presence of the individuals who colonized the oceanic islands, and the resulting environmental transformation.

A tomb datable to around 700 A.D. has been unearthed on the island of Torcello in Venice

On the island of Torcello, at the Ca' Foscari University of Venice excavation site, some protagonists of the island’s thousand-year history have begun to emerge.

Liquid climate archives: a study on tide levels in the straits

The discovery, made by a team of researchers from Ca’ Foscari, Germany, and Russia, was published in the prestigious journal Scientific Reports

The elderly: different countries, different assistance

Europeans are living longer and longer, but the number of inequalities in health conditions is increasing, especially among elderly people. This context greatly contributed to increase the importance of both economic and social services addressed to the elderly, especially in terms of public “long-term care”.

SPIN call for post-doc research grants, a stairway to EU funding

Ca’ Foscari University of Venice supports and promotes international research attracting the best international talents

China: more eco-friendly, but little attention paid to social impacts

An evaluation on territorial planning highlights the obstacles to sustainable development and suggests a more inclusive approach. Study published on Environmental Science & Policy.

SIGN-HUB, the European Research Project on Sign Language

For the first time Italian sign language (LIS), together with other European sign languages will have a complete grammatical reference system that will describe all linguistic phenomena.

Archeology: in Armenia in search of the stones of the Dragon

Ancient medieval legends tell us of how the peaks of the American mountains were populated by giant dragons, semi-god beings who had the task of guarding the sacred springs, and perhaps personified in megalithic steles decorated in important places in high altitude pastures, between 2,000 and 3,000 metres.