
When knowledge became democratic (for women too): Aristotle in the Renaissance

Aristotle’s translations from classical to vernacular languages have for the first time made philosophy and science available outside the elite circles, involving also women philosophers

Religion: Ca’ Foscari fights against stereotypes in European schools

Ca’ Foscari returns to European schools as the leader of the “Study of Religions Against Prejudices and Stereotypes” (SORAPS) project, funded by the European Commission

Few women in the technological departments: a project to balance the “quota”

In the departments at European universities where engineering and technology are taught, only one in ten professors is a woman. Ca’ Foscari is directly committed to reducing this gender gap thanks to European project Horizon 2020 EQUAL-IST

How do we (mis)inform ourselves through Facebook? Research on PNAS

We search for an "echo" of our own ideas on the "same" webpages, according to a study on the activities of 376 million Facebook users over 5 years: "The problem is the polarization of users"

Transplants in the lagoon: the phanerogams repopulate sea floors

The transplant of phanerograms in the Venetian lagoon has been successful. This is what the preliminary results of the European project SeResto say, co-financed by the European Union through the Life program

Mathematics and big data to combat cholera

Awarded the research by Enrico Bertuzzo. Model applied in real-time during the epidemic in Haiti with the collaboration of Doctors Without Borders

Investors and research for green mortgages

Ca’ Foscari partner of the European Action Plan for the funding of energy efficiency in buildings on a larger scale. Today meeting with EU vice-president Katainen

With the new Cluster the research is 10 times faster

Ca’ Foscari researchers have a new working companion, so fast at calculations that it saves weeks of the scholar’s time with mathematic models

New technology to watch the sea in 3D

'Hunters' of exceptionally high waves found that they are more common than previously assumed. From the research carried out by Ca' Foscari and Ismar-Cnr, a project and patent have been born