
#neocafoscarini: Serena Trucchi from the job market to San Giobbe

Ca' Foscari takes part of the meetings between universities and young economists in London where Serena Trucchi, at the time researcher at UCL, was found to become a researcher in Venice.

Scientific expedition at Rapa Nui for past reconstruction

Dario Battistel coordinates a project with an international multidisciplinary team to study the environmental and cultural history of the island.

Shipwrecks in 3D: underwater archaeologists from Ca’ Foscari tested technological revolution

Maritime archaeologist and professor at Ca' Foscari lead a team using special software to transform the pictures taken underwater in detailed three-dimensional models making maritime excavations become faster, safer and more efficient.

Curing Zirconia: nanotech firm buys Ca’ Foscari’s patent

Mesoporous zirconium nanoparticles which can deliver diagnosis and cures for specific illnesses were synthesized and developed by researchers at Ca' Foscari sold a patent to a nanotech firm specialized in the chemical and pharmaceutical industry.

The erosion process in the Lagoon of Venice measured

A study was just published on PLOSONE by an international team of researchers investigating and shedding light on the morphodynamics of the waterway in the Lagoon of Venice through field research and remote sensing.

Bioplastic from urban waste, Ca’ Foscari in the Res Urbis project

Transforming urban waste in bioplastic. This was the goal of scientists from four Italian universities including Ca’ Foscari in the research project Res Urbis (REsources from URban BIo-waSte) part of the Horizon 2020 program of the European Commission.

Antarctic: “The wind as a driving force of climate in sea ice formation and thickening”

Sea ice, a fundamental element of the climate system, polar marine ecosystems and its seasonal cycle, affects the global dynamics of climate for its interplay with the planetary albedo, atmospheric circulation, ocean productivity.

How to evaluate museums around the world? Ca’ Foscari introduces a model that was tested in Venice

Researchers at Ca’ Foscari have developed a model to evaluate the management of any museums or cultural institution beyond the mere balance sheets, testing it on the Civic Museums of Venice.

G7 on health, science suggests global action to reduce the impact of climate on health

Decisions that will be taken at the G7 Ministerial Meeting on Health that will be open by Minister Beatrice Lorenzin tomorrow in Milan have followed an intense dialogue with the international scientific community.