
Coronavirus in the air? Only where there are gatherings

A multidisciplinary study conducted by CNR-ISAC, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, CNR-ISP and IZSPB, has analysed the concentrations and size of the viral particles in outdoor air in Venice and Lecce in the month of May 2020, between the end of the lockdown and the reopening of activities.

Europe’s perception of China during the Covid-19 pandemic

A survey which involved 13 European states and was carried out on a sample of 1500 people for each country between September and October 2020, has highlighted a generally negative trend, as China tends to be seen negatively by 10 countries out of 13.

Computational screenings to analyze the 'pain protein'

An international and multidisciplinary team, coordinated by computer scientist Marta Simeoni and physicist Achille Giacometti from Ca' Foscari University of Venice, has developed and tested for the first time a method of predicting which mutations of the 'pain protein' NaV1.7 deserve diagnostic investigations.

Flowering fields to save bees and butterflies

A new environmental crisis threatens both natural ecosystems and human food security. This is the 'pollinator crisis', that is, the crisis of insects that, by transporting pollen, allow 80% of plants to reproduce. A team coordinated by Ca' Foscari professor Gabriella Buffa is studying ways to halt this decline. 

Lagoon: sound waves to discover the underwater life at the inlets

Thanks to the 'Exchange' project, researchers were able to closely observe the transitional habitat at the inlets and understand how to use the information they collected for a better management of the fishing industry. 

Models of participation in science and democracy

Citizen Science as a model to rethink how participatory and deliberative practices can be successfully implemented in democratic governance: this is the main goal of ISEED, the new Horizon 2020 project coordinated by Ca' Foscari Professor Eleonora Montuschi.

First observation of nutation in magnetic materials

Nature Physics has presented the work of the team led by physicist Stefano Bonetti, professor at  Ca’ Foscari University of Venice and the Stockholm University. The new discovery is fundamental to make digital technologies ever faster, compact and energetically efficient.

The new post-COVID world: from finance to football

A team of 53 economists has explored past experiences and possible recovery scenarios in various fields of economics, business and finance, creating in just a few weeks the first book on the post-COVID world,  published by Edizioni Ca’ Foscari and downloadable for free online.

Scientists set up camp at 4100 meters to save the "ice memory"

On Monday September 14, a team of Italian and Swiss scientists reached the Corbassier glacier, on the Grand Combin massif, setting up camp at 4.100 meters, to extract three ice cores and deliver two of them to the dedicated ‘ice sanctuary’ that will be set up in Antarctica by the Ice Memory international programme.