
Incroci di civiltà continues

Inaugurated on March 29th at the Goldoni Theatre in Venice, the 10th edition of the international literature festival Incroci di civiltà successfully continues. Closing the festival will be Dany Laferrière and Charlotte Rampling, on Saturday April 1st at 6pm at Auditorium Santa Margherita

Pakistan Day at Ca' Foscari

On Tuesday March 28th the Ambassador of Pakistan in Italy H.E. Nadeem Riyadh will be the guest at Ca' Foscari where he will hold the lecture Pakistan an Overview at Ca' Dolfin, at 10 am

Ca' Foscari for International Women’s Day

Ca’ Foscari University of Venice contributes to International Women’s Day with an event of reflection and debate open to all

Counting Down to the Ca' Foscari Short Film Festival

The 7th edition of the Ca’ Foscari Short Film Festival will take place from 15th-18th March at Auditorium Santa Margherita in Venice.

Summit at Ca’ Foscari on “Arctic: the Final Frontier"

As part of the Tre Oci exhibition, ‘Arctic; the Final Frontier’, a conference on climate change, will be held at Ca’ Foscari, at 10am on Monday 6th March in the Ca’ Dolfin building

Jihadism in Europe, the problem is not immigration

Thomas Hegghammer, one of the leading experts in the world on the subject of European Jihadism, will be at Ca’ Foscari on Tuesday 28th February at 3pm giving a lecture entitled The Future of Jihadism in Europe

VERSO INCROCI, events leading up to 'Incroci di civiltà'

Between March 2nd and March 30th a special edition of Verso Incontri, the traditional path approaching themes and authors of the Incontri di civiltà festival, has been prepared

Ca' Foscari inaugurates its 149th Academic Year

Prizes for research, education and merit. Lectio magistralis by Ignazio Musu. Rector Bugliesi: "University and research in Italy are more prosperous than they are perceived"

At the origins of trade: Ca’ Foscari presents Cotrugli in English

At Ca’ Foscari, the first English translation of “Libro de l’Arte de la Mercatura” - a work about trade written in 1458 by Italian merchant, diplomat and economist Benedetto Cotrugli