
Academic year: 2022/2023

Level of qualification

Master's Degree Programme

Ministerial degree code

LM-77 (Management)

Announcements and Regulations

The teaching regulations of the study course depend on the following organisational aspects: educational goals, access methods, study plan, exams, final exam, job opportunities, etc. Throughout their university career, students must refer to the teaching regulations enforced from their matriculation.


Department of Management, San Giobbe, Cannaregio 873, 30121 Venice (Italy)
For further information please contact the Campus of Economics,

Head of studies

Prof. Marco Fasan (Teaching Committee Director,



Access to the programme

Limited admission. 70 places available.

Quota reserved to non-EU students residing outside Italy: 1 place in which 1 is reserved for a Chinese student living in China, under the Marco Polo Project.

Admission requirements

Admission to the programme is subordinate to passing the selective test and the possession of minimum curriculum requirements and an adequate personal preparation. Personal preparation will be examined through an admissions test. Furthermore, the possession of a certificated knowledge of English language at level B2, at least, is required.
Details about the assessment procedures are available in the webpage dedicated to admission test and requirements.

Admission with international qualification

Applicants with international qualification must have obtained a bachelor’s degree that is the result of at least 3 years of study. The preliminary evaluation of the qualification is mandatory. Procedures and deadlines are available on the dedicated online platform.
International qualification will be evaluated by the designated teaching committee after the pre-evaluation procedure carried out on the online platform.
European applicants and non-European applicants with a permit of stay valid for enrolment must take the onsite admission test. Non-European applicants who need a visa for enrolment will take the admission test via Skype.

Course overview

This Master’s Degree programme provides understanding and skills for business management, with particular attention to the typical sectors of Made in Italy, for the transformation of the Italian economy and confronts the topics of sustainability.
The international curriculum aims to provide the essential managerial skills for international growth of a new generation of medium-sized global enterprises.
The academic offer covers a wide spectrum of topics, from international management to marketing, to international economics to the right to work, emphasizing the lessons of business cases with particular interest on the typical sectors of Made in Italy. The paradigm of reference is the creation of value in the long term (sustainability); a model to which all businesses should aspire in order to tackle in a comprehensive manner the environmental and social challenges that are increasingly interwoven with business and business strategy. The Master’s degree programme offers a wide range of exams focusing on the various functions of sustainability and provides tools for interpreting and analysing companies from a sustainable perspective.

Occupational profiles

The Master’s Degree graduates will be able to apply for the following positions: sustainability manager, area manager, export manager, general manager of a foreign branch, responsible for international operations and projects and systems regarding the expansion and activation of new markets, general manager in italian companies and italian national branches, management consultant.



Examination assessment and graduation

The educational activities include classroom teaching, workshops and internships, in order to acquire wide-ranging skills that can be readily transferable into the world of work.
During the whole university career, the various skills and knowledge acquired by students will be assessed through written and oral examinations.
The degree exam consists in writing a thesis, which must possess the characters of originality, exhaustive documentation and scientific investigation and which will be discussed with a committee of university professors and experts.

Access to further studies

Professional Master’s Programmes (1st level and 2nd level) and PhD programmes.

Last update: 21/03/2025