Professoressa Ordinaria
Componente del Comitato di indirizzo del Collegio Internazionale Ca' Foscari
Direttrice del Centro Trust In Science (TIS)
Direttrice del Master "Filosofia e storia della scienza e della tecnologia" (III edizione)
041 234 7259
Logica e filosofia della scienza [PHIL-02/A]
Sito web
www.unive.it/persone/eleonora.montuschi (scheda personale)
Dipartimento di Filosofia e Beni Culturali
Sito web struttura: https://www.unive.it/dip.fbc
Sede: Malcanton Marcorà
Research Institute
Research Institute for Social Innovation

Eleonora Montuschi is a philosopher of science with a particular interest in the methodology and epistemology of the social sciences, objectivity in science and practice, scientific evidence, the theory and practice of expertise, science, trust and policy making, and the philosophy of Francis Bacon.

She has a BA and a two-year post grad degree in philosophy from the University of Pavia, and a D.Phil in philosophy of science from Oxford. She taught philosophy of science and philosophy of social science at Oxford, Warwick, University College London and the London School of Economics. She has been a visiting fellow at the University of Notre Dame, Indiana (Programme in History and Philosophy of Science), a visiting professor at the University of Pavia (Philosophy Dept.) and the University of Milan (Graduate School in Social, Economic and Political Sciences). She was a member of the Management Committee of the British Society for the Philosophy of Science and Deputy Director at the Centre for Philosophy of Natural and Social Science at the London School of Economics. She is presently a member of the Steering committee of ENPOSS (European Network for the Philosophy of Social Science), and a member of the editorial board of the 'European Journal for the Philosophy of Science' and of 'Philosophy of Social Science'.

She is PL and coordinator of the Horizon 2020 research project 'Inclusive Science and European Democracy' (ISEED-960366, 2021-2024). She is a senior research member of the Advanced ERC project 'Knowledge for Use' (Durham/LSE/Ca' Foscari), and co-leader of  the project's research stream 'Deliberating Policy' (https://www.dur.ac.uk/k4u/). She is co-leader of the research programme 'Evidence for Use' at the Centre for Philosophy of Natural and Social Science at the London School of Economics (http://www.lse.ac.uk/cpnss/research/evidence-for-use). She is the leader of the research project 'Trust in Science' (SPIN-Misura 2) at Ca' Foscari, and founder and director of the research Centre TIS (Trust in Science) at the Dept. of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage at Ca' Foscari (https://www.unive.it/pag/37999/). She is the Director of the Master's course in Philosophy and History of Science and Technology at Ca' Foscari (joint degree with University of Bologna).

She teaches:'Philosophy of science' (Philosophy undergraduate course; in Italian),'Philosophy of Social Science' (Philosophy post-grad course/Management PhD course; in English); 'Logic&Philosophy of Science I' (PISE; in English).



Eleonora Montuschi si è laureata e perfezionata in Filosofia all'Universita' di Pavia, e ha conseguito un dottorato in filosofia della scienza all'Universita' di Oxford. Ha insegnato filosofia della scienza e filosofia delle scienze sociali a Oxford, Warwick, University College London, e alla London School of Economics. E' stata visiting fellow all'Universita' di Notre Dame (Programme in History and Philosophy of Science), e visiting professor all'Universita' di Pavia (Dipartimento di Filosofia) e all'Universita' Statale di Milano (Graduate School in Social, Economic and Political Sciences). E' stata membro del Management Committee della British Society for the Philosophy of Science e Deputy Director del Centre for Philosophy of Natural and Social Science alla London School of Economics. E' attualmente membro dello steering commette di ENPOSS (European Network for the Philosophy of Social Science), and membro dell'editorial board di 'European Journal for the Philosophy of Science' e di 'Philosophy of Social Science'.

I suoi campi di competenza e interesse sono la filosofia della scienza e delle scienze sociali, l'oggettivita' scientifica e sociale, evidenza scientifica, scienza e policy making, fiducia nella scienza, e questioni filosofiche della prospettiva di Francis Bacon.

E' PL e coordinatore  del progetto triennale Horizon 2020 'Inclusive Science and European Democracy' (ISEED-960366, 2021-2024).E' co-investigatore per Ca'Foscari (con quota) nel progetto ERC Advanced 'Knowledge for Use' (Durham/LSE/Ca'Foscari), in cui è co-leader del reserch stream 'Deliberating Policy' (https://www.dur.ac.uk/k4u/). E' co-leader del programma di ricerca 'Evidence for Use' al Centre for Philosophy of Natural and Social Science at the London School of Economics (http://www.lse.ac.uk/cpnss/research/evidence-for-use). E' leader del progetto di ricerca 'Trust in Science' (SPIN-Misura 2) a Ca' Foscari, e fondatore e direttore del centro di ricerca internazionale TIS (Trust in Science) al Dipartimento di Filosofia e Beni Culturali a Ca' Foscari (https://www.unive.it/pag/37999/). E' direttore del Master interateneo (Ca' Foscari/Bologna) di primo livello in Filosofia e Storia della Scienza e della Tecnologia.

Insegna i seguenti corsi:, Filosofia della scienza (triennale Filosofia); Philosophy of social science (Magistrale Filosofia/PhD Management); 'Logic&Philosophy of Science I' (PISE).