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Sito web
www.unive.it/persone/davide.delucrezia (scheda personale)
Dipartimento di Scienze Molecolari e Nanosistemi
Sito web struttura: https://www.unive.it/dsmn
Davide De Lucrezia is currently Adjunct Professor in Bio-nanomaterials at the dept. of Molecular Sciences and Nanosystems and the operative coordinator of the LivingTech Lab at the European Centre for Living Technology led by Prof. Irene Poli. He graduated in 2004 in Biology at the University of Rome "Roma Tre" and pursued a PhD degree in 2008 under the supervision of Prof. Luisi. Prior joining ECLT he has been head of the pharmacokinetics and metabolomics unit at the Biotechnology Department led by Prof. Guadagni at San Raffaele Hospital in Rome, staff scientist at Polyphor AG (Switzerland), visiting student at the University of Florence under the supervision of Prof. Gallori and research technician at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology of Zurich in the supramolecolar chemistry group led by Prof. Pier Luigi Luisi. His main research interests regard in vitro evolution of protein and nucleic acids as means to investigate the evolution of biopolymers that led to emergence of Life on Earth. Recent research projects lay in the field of chemical synthetic biology of protein and nucleic acids which aims at exploring the sequence space for Novel Biological Entities (NBE) that do not exist in nature with the ultimate goal to develop novel functional scaffolds for synthetic biology.


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