Professoressa Ordinaria
Direttrice dell'Istituto Confucio Venezia
041 234 9581
Archeologia, storia dell'arte, religioni e filosofie dell'Asia orientale e sud-orientale [ASIA-01/E]
Sito web (scheda personale)
Dipartimento di Studi sull'Asia e sull'Africa Mediterranea
Sito web struttura:
Sede: Palazzo Vendramin
Istituto Confucio Venezia
Sito web struttura:
Sede: Palazzo Vendramin
Research Institute
Research Institute for Digital and Cultural Heritage



Personal Information


Associate Professor of Chinese Art and Archaeology

Ca’ Foscari University

Department of Asian and North African Studies

Dorsoduro 3462

30123 Venice, Italy

Tel. +39 041 234 9511


Nationality: Italian

Date of birth: 04/02/1968


Current Position

·                 2010-: Associate Professor of Chinese Art and Archaeology at Ca’ Foscari University, Venice, Italy.


Previous Positions

·                 1999-2010: Lecturer in Chinese Art and Archaeology at Ca’ Foscari University, Venice, Italy.

·                 2004/2005: Lecturer in Japanese Art and Archaeology at Ca’ Foscari University, Venice, Italy.

·                 1998-99: Tutor of MA Chinese Ceramics course at SOAS, University of London.


Research Fields
·                 Chinese ceramics – history and technology

·                 Chinese archaeology

·                 Early Chinese art

·                 Contemporary Chinese art

·                 Chinese art history



·                         OCS Oriental Ceramic Society, since 1993

·                         AAS Association for Asian Studies, since 1999.

·                         EACS European Association for Chinese Studies, since 2000.

·                         AISC Italian Association for Chinese Studies, since 2001.

·                         EAAA European Association for Asian Art and Archaeology, since 2014



·                 2002 (December): Awarded Ph.D. degree at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London.

·                 1993 (November): Awarded degree at Ca’ Foscari University, Venice, Italy, with First Class Honours Degree 

                  (distinction) with a thesis on Cizhou ware (equivalent to Master Degree).


Grants and research activities

·                  2019 (Autumn): International Mobility exchange programme (Overseas) between Ca’ Foscari University and Peking University to research the history of Chinese art history in China in order to compare it with that written by Western scholars.

·                  2019 (Spring): Visiting Scholar at the School of Arts, Peking University.

·                2017 (Autumn): Visiting Professor at Hanoi University within the Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility     Project, Key Action 1.

·                2015, 2016, 2017, 2018: grant of the Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility Project, Key Action 1, with        Hanoi University (Vietnam), for a total of over €350.000.

·                2014 (Autumn): International Mobility exchange programme between Ca’ Foscari University and Hanoi            University to research porcelain maritime routes and trade of Vietnamese ceramics in South-east Asia.

·               Visiting Professor at the School of Archaeology and Museology, Peking University.

·               2012 (Autumn): Visiting Scholar at the School of Archaeology and Museology, Peking University.

·               2006: Postdoctoral Fellowship for International Scholarly Exchange granted by the Chiang Ching-kuo                Foundation, Taiwan.

·                2005-06: Research granting awarded by the Department of East Asian Studies, Ca' Foscari University.

·                2001: Chinese Culture Research Fellowship granted by the China Scholarship Council for research at the          Department of Archaeology of Peking University.

·                 Participation in the excavation of the Shenhouzhen kiln site, Yuxian, Henan, with the Department of                Archaeology of Peking University (October-November).

·                1997-1998: Attendance of two postgraduate courses on Chinese Ceramics at Taiwan National University with  Professor Xie Mingliang.

·                 Archaeological investigation on the Pescadores Islands, Taiwan, as part of the course on Chinese ceramics at    Taiwan National University with Professor Xie Mingliang.

·                 Grant from the East Asian History of Science Foundation, Hong Kong for a fielwork in China including a visit at  the Yaozhou kiln site; the examination of shards excavated at the Linru kiln site; the examination of the so-                      called “Guan’an men” shards and other related shards from kilns in northern China in the store rooms of the                      National Palace Museum, Beijing; a visit to the Yuxian kiln site and ground survey of nearby Bacun kiln site.

·                 Collaboration with the Chang Foundation, Taipei.

·                 1996: Grant from Senate House, University of London, for a fieldwork at the Yaozhou kiln site to analyse the  macrostructure of excavated material.

·                 Beginning of collaboration with Nigel Wood and the Laboratory for Archaeology and the History of Art, Oxford  University.

·                 1995: fieldwork at the Yaozhou kiln site, Shaanxi, under the supervision of Zhuo Zhenxi and Du Baoren.

·                 1994-1995: Scholarship from Ca’ Foscari University, Venice, Italy, to study Chinese archaeology in China.



Conferences (talks and attendance)

·        2019 (November): presentation by invitation at Internationa Symposium on Longquan and Globalization, “The multi-faceted and elusive nature of Geyao”

·        2019 (November): lecture at Jingdezhen Ceramic University, “The influence of Chinese porcelain in Renaissance Florence”.

·        2019 (September): participated by invitation in the international symposium From Centre to Periphery: Collecting Chinese Objects in Comparative Perspective, Slovene Ethnographic Museum, Ljubljana; paper title: “Great Personalities and East Asian Collections in Italy”

·             2019 (May): Chair, Wu Hongliang, “回——从艺术的寻根中探求未来. ‘Re - 睿’: Exploring the Future from the Origin of Art”

·                2019 (April): Lecture at Peking University, School of Arts “西方的中国艺术史研究:语境再造的方法 Western Chinese art history: the re-contextualization method”

·                2019 (April): Lecture at Tsinghua University, Philosophy Department 佛罗伦萨文艺复兴时期的青花瓷

·                2019 (April): Lecture at Peking University, Department of Archarology “The influence of Chinese blue and white porcelain on ceramic production in Renaissance Florence - the cases of Montelupo, Cafaggiolo and the Medici porcelain”

·                2018 (January): invited by the British Museum to give a talk on the latest research on “The concept of the five famous wares of the Song dynasty: a modern idea”

·                2017 (October): invited to open the International Symposium on Art and Translation: Taiwan, Hong Kong and Korea, Edinburgh College of Art, The University of Edinburgh; presentation title “In memory of Felix Schoeber”

·                (September): guest-speaker at the History of Art Research Seminar, Edinburgh College of Art, The University of Edinburgh; seminar title “A new history of Chinese art history: new research methods”

·                2016 (October): participated by invitation to the IX Dies Academicus, Classe di Studi sull’Estremo Oriente, Academia Ambrosiana, Milano; paper title “Una nuova storia della storia dell’arte cinese [A new history of Chinese art history]

·                2015 (October): participated by invitation to the International Symposium on Science and Technology of Five Great Wares of the Song Dynasty, Gugong, Beijing; paper title “The concept of the five famous wares of the Song dynasty: exegesis of Chinese and western literary sources”.

·                2014 (October): participated by invitation to the VII Dies Academicus, Classe di Studi sull’Estremo Oriente, Accademia Ambrosiana, Milano; paper title “Ceramica Song (960-1279): estetica, teorie e scoperte archeologiche [Song ceramics (960-1279): aesthetics, theories and archaeological discoveris]”

·                (September): participated in the 1st conference of the European Association for Asian Art and Archaeology (EAAA) at Palacký University, Olomouc, Czech Republic; paper title “Redefining Song ceramics in the light of recent archaeological finds”.

·                (July): participated in the 19th conference of the European Association of Chinese Studies (EACS 2014) in Braga and Coimbra, Portugal; paper title “Acknowledging ceramic manufacture of the Jin dynasty (1126-1234)”

·                2013: Participated in the 14th Conference of the Italian Association for Chinese Studies (AISC) in Procida (Naples), Italy; paper title: “Jin ceramic production”.

·                2012: Participated in the, Symposium on East Asian Art in Honour of Professor Roderick Whitfiled in Hong Kong, The Chinese University of Hong Kong; paper title:  “Song ceramics and archaeological discoveries: a new story”.

·                Attended the Meeting on Longquan black-bodied celadon and Ge ware(龙泉黑胎青瓷与哥窑论证会) in Longquan (Zhejiang), China, organized by Zhejiang Institute of Archaeology and Longquan Museum.

·                Attended the International Symposium on Yuan Blue-and-white Porcelain, at the Shanghai Museum.

·                2011: Participated in the 13th Conference of the Italian Association for Chinese Studies (AISC) in Milan, Italy.

·                Attended the symposium Emergence of Bronze Age Societies, organised by the International Centre for Chinese Heritage and Archaeology, in Baoji, Shaanxi.

·                2010: Attended the International seminar on Chinese polychrome overglaze decoration, organised by the Shenzhen Municipal Office of Cultural Relics Management, in Shenzhen, Guangdong.

·                2008: Participated in the symposium Buddhismo di epoca Tang.Tradizione ed eredità (Tang dynasty buddhism. Tradition and legacy), organised by Gabinetto G. P. Vieusseux "VieusseuxAsia" in collaboration with Fondazione Palazzo Strozzi, in Florence.

·                Attended the conference organised by the Zhongguo Gu Taoci Xuehui (Ancient Chinese Ceramics Association) on export ceramics, in Quanzhou, Fujian.

·                2006: Participated in the conference organised by the Zhongguo Gu Taoci Xuehui (Ancient Chinese Ceramics Association) on green wares in Nanjing, Jiangsu.

·                Attended the Shenzhen Symposium on Jun official ware, organised by the Shenzhen Cultural Relic Authentication and Archaeology Institute in Shenzhen, Guangdong.

·                2005: Participated in the 10th Conference of the Italian Association for Chinese Studies (AISC) in Venice, Italy.

·                Participated in the 6th International Symposium on Ancient Ceramics (ISAC ’05), in Shanghai.

·               2004: Partecipated in the Yaozhou International Symposium, held at Yaoxian, Shaanxi province;

·               Attended the annual conference and academic symposium of the Chinese Society for Ancient ceramics held at Jingdezhen.

·               Attended the IVe Colloque de la Société Française d'Etude de la Céramique Orientale:Chine-Méditerranée, Routes et échanges de la céramique avant le XVIe siècle, in Paris.

·               2003: Partecipated in the Colloquies on Art and Archaeology no. 22, London, Percival David Foundation.

·               2002: Participated in the 2002 International Symposium on Ancient Ceramics (ISAC ’02), Shanghai.

·               Participated in the International Symposium on Southern Song Guan Ware from the Laohudong Kiln Site in Hangzhou in 2002.

·               Attended the Symposium on Ancient Chinese White Porcelain at the Shanghai Museum.

·               Attended the 2002 Symposium on Yue Ware, Hangzhou.

·               2001: Attended the conference organised by the Zhongguo Gu Taoci Xuehui (Ancient Chinese Ceramics Association) on Ru ware.

·               Participated in the 8th Conference of the Italian Association for Chinese Studies (AISC) in Lecce, Italy.

·               2000: Participated in the 13th conference of the European Association of Chinese Studies in Torino, Italy.





·                 2016: Member of the scientific committee of the exhibition Dall’antica alla nuova via della seta. From the ancient to the new silk road, held at Palazzo del Quirinale, Rome, December 6th 2016- February 26th 2017.

·                 2010: Member of the scientific committee of the exhibition I due imperi. L’aquila e il dragone, held at Palazzo Reale, Milan, April 16th to September 5th 2010 and at Curia Iulia and Palazzo Venezia, Rome, October 8th 2010 to February 6th 2011.

·                 2008: Curator together with Maurizio Scarpari of the exhibition Il Celeste Impero: dall'armata eterna alla Via della Seta, held at Museo di Antichità, Turin, July 10th to November 16th 2008.

·                 2007-2008: Curator of the exhibition China at the court of the emperors. Unknown masterpieces from Han tradition to Tang elegance (25-907), held at Palazzo Strozzi, Florence, March 7th to June 8th 2008.

·                 2005-2006: Member of the scientific and organizing committee of the exhibition Cina. Nascita di un impero, curated by Lionello Lanciotti and Maurizio Scarpari, held at Scuderie del Quirinale, Rome, September 21st 2006 to February 4th 2007.



Professional services

·             2019: Book Proposal/Manuscript Reviewer for Bloomsbury Academic Publishing, New York.

·             2018: Symposium organizer, Sogdians and their Funerary Monuments in Sixth to Seventh-Century China: New Thoughts and Reflections, Ca’ Foscari University, Venice, December 13th-14th.

·             Research fellowship reviewer for the Leverhulme Trust.

·             (on going) Consultant for Chinese contemporary art, Madre Museum, Naples.

·             (on going) Consultant for the Chinese porcelain collection, Museum of Oriental Art, Venice.

·             External referees for promotion to tenure of Dr Cui Jianfeng, Department of Archaeology and Museology, Peking University.

·             External examiner for PhD viva, Nuove testimonianze archeologiche sulla presenza sogdiana nella Cina medievale: i contesti funerari, Andrea Montella, University Napoli L’Orientale, Naples.

·             (on going) Member of the Network of Chinese Collections in Europe.

·             Opening speech at the inauguration of the exhibition Lithic Impressions - From Stone to Ink on Paper, EMGdotART Foundation, Venice, September 26th-November 15th 2018.

·             Co-organizer of the exhibition and related events Ink Raiders, Magazzini del Sale, Venice, April 17th-27th 2018.

·             2017 (on going): member of the academic board for the new Museum of Oriental Art in Venice, Polo Museale del Veneto, Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Tourism.

·             Independent advisor for the upgrade of two PhD candidates (Colin Brady, How the West Came to Know Asia: The Role of Yamanaka and Company, Inc. in Art Dealing at the Wars;  Zi Wang, Tradition-rediscovery and Trans-cultural Dialogues: Chen Shizeng and Beijing School of Painting, 1876-1923), School of History of Art, University of Edinburgh.

·             Paper reviewer,  “The Zenrinji Mikaeri Amida: some notes and considerations”, Donatella Rossi, in Proceedings of the interdisciplinary workshop Dialectics of Buddhist Metaphysics in East Asia. Tibet and Japan: An Inedited Comparison, “Sapienza” University of Rome, 2016, Supplemento N. 2 RSO 2018.

·             2016 (on going): Consultant for Chinese modern and contemporary art, Treccani Contemporary Art Encyclopaedia.

·             Workshop coordinator with Felix Schöber, Experiences of Migration-Taiwan Contemporary Arts  Research Day (guests Yang Chia-ling, Chen Yu-hui, Ella Raidel), Spotlight Taiwan Project, Ca’ Foscari University, October 24th, 2016.

·             (on going) Reviewer within the Research Quality Evaluation System, Ministry of Education.

·             Paper reviewer for the Italian Association of Chinese Studies, “Chinese modern calligraphy as a reflection of Chinese contemporary culture: a comparison between the modernist and the avant-garde movements”.

·             Internal examiner for PhD viva: Metalli Islamici dai territory iranici orientali, IX:XIII sec. La documentazione della Missione Archeologica Italiana in Afghanistan (Islamic metals from Iranian oriental territories, 9th-13th century. Documents by the Italian Archaeological Mission in Afghanistan), Valentina Laviola, Ca’ Foscari University.

·             2015: workshop coordinator, Taiwan contemporary art. Artists, groups and spaces from the post-avantgarde to the turn of the millennium (guests George C. H. Hsu, Tsong Pu, Lai Chunchun, Yang Maolin, Sean Hu, Felix Schöber), Spotlight Taiwan Project, Ca’ Foscari University, May 7th, 2015.

·             2014 (on going): member of the editorial board, Annali di Ca’ Foscari - Serie Orientale.

·             Seminar coordinator, Taiwan and the Venice Biennale of Art/Architecture (guests Yao Jui-chung, Felix Schöber), Spotlight Taiwan Project, Ca’ Foscari University, April 2014.

·             2013: paper reviewer for Ming Qing Studies.

·             Internal examiner for PhD viva: Interazioni culturali e tecnologiche tra Cina meridionale e Sudest asiatico continentale tra la fine del II millennio a.C. e l’inizio del I millennio a.C.: la dispersione meridionale della tecnologia del rame/bronzo (Cultural and technological interactions between South China and South-East Asia between the end of the 2nd millennium and the beginning of the 1st millennium BC: the southern dispersion of copper/bronze technology), Roberto Ciarla, Ca’ Foscari University.

·             Internal examiner for PhD viva: Arti dell’Asia Orientale fra pubblico e privato: due raccolte esemplari. Dal 1870, cent’anni di collezionismo d’arte cinese e giapponese a Milano (East Asian arts between public and private: two exemplary collections.From 1870, on ehundred year of Chinese and Japanese art collecting in Milan), Pietro Amadini, Ca’ Foscari University.



Faculty committees

·             Member of the scientific board of the Marco Polo Research Centre, Department of Asian and North African Studies, Ca’ Foscari University.

·             Member of the academic board of the PhD programme of the Department of Asian and North African Studies, Ca’ Foscari University.

·             Member of the research committee of the Department of Asian and North African Studies, Ca’ Foscari University.

·             Member of the academic board for the Master Degree in Languages and Cultures of Asia and North Africa.

·             Member of the board of the Foreign Languages Library, Ca’ Foscari University.

·             Department delegate to international affairs (2014-2017).

·             Member of the Department council (2014-2017).



Courses offered


BA level

·             Introduction to Chinese art: from the Neolithic to the Tang dynasty (618-907)

·             Introduction to Chinese art: from the Five Dynasties (907-960) to today

MA level

·             Tradition in modern and contemporary Chinese art

·             Abodes for the afterlife: from the pit to the chamber tomb

·             Art under foreign kingdoms: Liao, Xi Xia, Jin, and Yuan

·             Chinese ceramics: art, archaeology, and technology



Students supervision


·       2019-: PhD co-supervisor together with Professor Sarah E. Fraser (Heidelberg University), Seen From Artistic Transformations in Ink Art: Huang Binhong, Zhang Daqian and Transcultural Communications in Twentieth-Century China, Zhong Hanyang.

·       2018-: PhD co-supervisor together with Professor Nataša Vampelj Suhadolnik (Ljubljana University), Oriental ceramics collections in Slovenia, Tina Berdajs.

·       2017-: PhD co-supervisor together with Dr Stefano Riccioni (ca’ Foscari University), Studies in Iconology: Nestorian Motifs in Mongol-Yuan China, Zhou Yixing.

·       2014-2018: PhD supervisor: Bronze Age communities and bronze metallurgy in Xinjiang, Marcella Festa.






·                   RASTELLI S., “Catalogue entry 24”, in Lefebvre Éric (ed.), Parfums de Chine. La culture de l’encens au temps des empereurs, Paris: Paris Musèes, 2018, p. 80.



·                   RASTELLI S., L’arte cinese. I. Dalle origini alla dinastia Tang. 6000 a.C. – X secolo d.C. [Chinese art. I. From the origins to the Tang dynasty. 6000 BC – 10th century AD], Torino, Einaudi, 2016, pp. 419.

·                   RASTELLI S., “The Concept of the Five Famous Wares of the Song Dynasty —A Modern Invention”, in Shi Ningchang 史宁昌, Miao Jianmin苗建民(eds.), Songdai Wuda Mingyao kexue jishu guoji xueshu taolunhui lunwenji宋代五大名窑科学技术国际学术讨论会论文集 Proceedings of International Symposium on Science and Technology of Five Great Wares of the Song Dynasty, Beijing, Kexue, 2016, pp. 460-466. ISBN 978-7-03-049935-6.



·                     RASTELLI S., "Song (960-1279) caramics: aesthetics, theories, and archaeological discoveries", in Bulfoni C., Fasulo F., Piccinini C. (a cura di), Le arti nella storia e nella società dell'Asia, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Bulzoni Editore, Milano-Roma, 2015, pp. 3-15.



·                     WOOD N., RASTELLI S., “Parallel developments in Chinese porcelain technology in the 13th -14th centuries AD”, in M. Martinon-Torres (ed), Craft and science: international perspectives on archaeological ceramics,  (UCL Qatar Series in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, 1), Doha, Qatar: Bloomsbury Qatar Foundation, 2014, pp. 225-234.

·                     RASTELLI S., “Il grande sviluppo della produzione ceramica di epoca Jin, in M. Abbiati, F. Greselin (eds), Il liuto e i libri. Studi in onore di Mario Sabattini, Venezia, Edizioni Ca’ Foscari , pp. 753-766.

·                     RASTELLI S., “Una nuova interpretazione delle ceramiche Jun alla luce delle ultime scoperte archeologiche”, in C. Bulfoni, S. Pozzi (eds), Atti del XIII Convegno dell'Associazione Italiana Studi Cinesi. Milano 22-24 settembre 2011, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2014, pp. 364-377.



·                     RASTELLI S., “Arte e rito nell’età del Bronzo”, in M. Scarpari, T. Lippiello (a cura di), La Cina. Dall'età del Bronzo all'impero Han, Grandi Opere Einaudi, Torino, Einaudi, 2013, pp. 323-400, (ISBN 9788806185114)

·                     RASTELLI S., “Nuovi spazi creativi: l’arte Zhou Orientale”, in M. Scarpari e T. Lippiello (a cura di), La Cina. Dall'età del Bronzo all'impero Han, Grandi Opere Einaudi, Torino, Einaudi, 2013, pp. 401-456, (ISBN 9788806185114)

·                     RASTELLI S., “Il parco funerario del Primo Imperatore”, in M. Scarpari e T. Lippiello (a cura di), La Cina. Dall'età del Bronzo all'impero Han, Grandi Opere Einaudi, Torino, Einaudi, 2013, pp. 457-470, (ISBN 9788806185114)

·                     RASTELLI S., “Lusso e immortalità: l’arte Han”, in M. Scarpari e T. Lippiello (a cura di), La Cina. Dall'età del Bronzo all'impero Han, Grandi Opere Einaudi, Torino, Einaudi, 2013, pp. 471-532, (ISBN 9788806185114) (Capitolo su libro)



·                 RASTELLI S., “The controversial history of Jun ware/La controversa storia delle ceramiche Jun”,  in G. Repetti, S. Rastelli, R. L. Enseki Hancock, Jun shards in the collection of the Chinese Museum of Parma, Brescia: C.S.A.M., 2011, pp. 1-15 (ISBN 9788888289588).



·                 RASTELLI S. “Il ‘soffice potere’ dell’arte: la diplomazia pubblica e le esposizioni di arte antica”, in Mondo cinse, vol. 143, 2010, pp. 128-144 (ISSN 0390-2811)

·                 RASTELLI S. “L’arte Han: dall’astrazione alla narrazione”, in DE CARO S., SCARPARI M. (eds.), I due imperi. L’aquila e il dragone, Milano: Federico Motta Editore, 2010, pp. 72-77 (ISBN 9788871795881)

·                 RASTELLI S. Entries nn. 251-459 in DE CARO S., SCARPARI M. (eds.), I due imperi. L’aquila e il dragone, Milano: Federico Motta Editore, 2010, pp. 339-360, (ISBN 9788871795881)



·                 RASTELLI S. “China at the court of the Emperors: from Han tradition to Tang elegance”, in The world of antiques and art, 2008, pp. 70-73 (ISSN 1443-6027)

·                 RASTELLI S. “Dalla tradizione Han all'eleganza Tang”, in RASTELLI S. (ed.), Cina alla corte degli imperatori. Capolavori mai visti dalla tradizione Han all’eleganza Tang (25-907), Milano: Skira, 2008, pp. 23-45 (ISBN 9788861306196)

·                 RASTELLI S. “From Han tradition to Tang elegance”, in RASTELLI S. (ed.), China at the Court of the Emperors. Unknown Masterpieces from Han Tradition to Tang Elegance (25-907), Milano: Skira, 2008, pp. 23-45 (ISBN 9788861306813)

·                 RASTELLI S. “Ornamentazione e naturalismo: i linguaggi artistici Han e Tang”, in RASTELLI S., SCARPARI M. (eds.), Il Celeste Impero: dall’armata eterna alla Via della Seta, Milano: Skira, 2008, pp. 37-45 (ISBN 9788861309166)

·                 RASTELLI S. (ed.), China at the Court of the Emperors. Unknown Masterpieces from Han Tradition to Tang Elegance (25-907), Milano: Skira, 2008 (ISBN 9788861306813)

·                 RASTELLI S. (ed.), Cina alla corte degli imperatori. Capolavori mai visti dalla tradizione Han all’eleganza Tang (25-907), Milano: Skira, 2008 (ISBN 9788861306196)

·                 RASTELLI S; SCARPARI M. (eds.), Il celeste Impero. Dall'Esercito di Terracotta alla Via della Seta, Milano: Skira, 2008 (ISBN 9788806185121)

·                 RASTELLI S. Entries nn. 1-7, 48-68, 70-82, 84-85, 100-101, 104, 108-121, 124-131, in RASTELLI S. (ed.), China at the Court of the Emperors. Unknown Masterpieces from Han Tradition to Tang Elegance (25-907), Milano: Skira, 2008 (ISBN 9788861306813)

·                 RASTELLI S., Entries nn. 1-7, 48-68, 70-82, 84-85, 100-101, 104, 108-121, 124-131,  in RASTELLI S., Cina alla corte degli imperatori. Capolavori mai visti dalla tradizione Han all’eleganza Tang (25-907), Milano: Skira, 2008 (ISBN 9788861306196) (Scheda in Catalogo di Mostra)

·                 RASTELLI S., Entries nn. 1-18, 22-25, 29-47, 77-78, 94-95, 97-122, 124-129,  in RASTELLI S., SCARPARI M. (eds.), Il Celeste Impero: dall’armata eterna alla Via della Seta, Milano: Skira,  2008 (ISBN 9788861309166)



·                 RASTELLI S., “Le ceramiche di Yaozhou nel periodo Jin: declino o adattamento?”, in DE GIORGI L., SAMARANI G. (eds.), Percorsi della civiltà cinese fra passato e presente – Atti del X Convegno dell’Associazione Italiana di Studi Cinesi, Venezia 10-12 marzo 2005., Venezia: Libreria Editrice Cafoscarina, 2007, pp. 437-443 (ISBN 9788875431167)

·                 RASTELLI S., Entries nn. 45-50, 52-62, 74-75, 127-129, in CALZA G.C. (ed.), Capolavori dalla Città Proibita. Qianlong e la sua corte, Roma: Fondazione Roma, 2007



·                 RASTELLI S., “Dalla terra e dal fuoco: tecniche di produzione della ceramica”, in LANCIOTTI L., SCARPARI M. (eds.), Cina. Nascita di un impero, Milano: Skira, 2006, pp. 59-65 (ISBN 8876249842)

·                 RASTELLI S., Entries nn. 29-60, 88-122, in LANCIOTTI L., SCARPARI M.(eds.), Cina. Nascita di un impero, Milano: Skira, 2006, (ISBN 8876249842)



·                 RASTELLI S., “I forni di Yaozhou nelle fonti cinesi antiche”, in SCARPARI M., LIPPIELLO T. (eds.), Caro maestro…Scritti in onore di Lionello Lanciotti per l’ottantesimo compleanno, Venezia: Libreria Editrice Cafoscarina, pp. 997-1006 (ISBN 8875430586)

·                 RASTELLI S. “Baofeng”, in Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana Fondata da Giovanni Treccani, Enciclopedia archeologica, vol. Asia, Roma: Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana, pp. 733-734 (headword)

·                 RASTELLI S., “Hongzhou” in Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana Fondata da Giovanni Treccani, Enciclopedia archeologica, vol. Asia, Roma: Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana, pp. 725-725 (headword)

·                 RASTELLI S., “Jinfeng”, in Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana Fondata da Giovanni Treccani, Enciclopedia archeologica, vol. Asia, Roma: Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana, pp. 735-736 (headword)

·                 RASTELLI S., “Laohudong”, in Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana Fondata da Giovanni Treccani, Enciclopedia archeologica, vol. Asia, Roma: Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana, pp. 737-738 (headword)

·                 RASTELLI S., “Lingwu”, in Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana Fondata da Giovanni Treccani, Enciclopedia archeologica, vol. Asia, Roma: Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana, pp. 738-738 (headword)

·                 RASTELLI S., “Silongkou”, in Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana Fondata da Giovanni Treccani, Enciclopedia archeologica, vol. Asia, Roma: Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana, pp. 728-729 (headword)

·                 RASTELLI S., “Yaozhou”, in Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana Fondata da Giovanni Treccani, Enciclopedia archeologica, vol. Asia, Roma: Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana, pp. 729-730 (headword)

·                 RASTELLI S., “Jindai foushi Yaozhouyao de shuaitui shiqi [Fu la dinastia Jin un periodo di declino per le fornaci di Yaozhou?]”, in Yaozhouyao Bowuguan, Zhongguo Yaozhouyao. Guoji xueshu taolunhui wenji [The Yaozhou kiln. Proceedings of the international symposium], Xi'an: San Qin chubanshe, 2005, pp. 30-34 (ISBN 7806289593)

·                 WOOD N., DOHERTY C., RASTELLI S., “Some aspects of Yue ware production at Shanglinhu in the late Tang dynasty”, in GUO Jingkun, Gu taoci kexue jishu 6. Guoji taolunhui lunwenji (ISAC ’05) 2005 International Symposium on Ancient Ceramics - Its Scientific and Technological Insights (ISAC '05), Shanghai: Shanghai kexue jishu wenxian chubanshe, pp. 185-198, (ISBN 7543925893)



·                 RASTELLI S., Ceramica Cinese. Evoluzione tecnica dal neolitico alle Cinque Dinastie, Venezia: Libreria Editrice Cafoscarina, 2004 (ISBN 8875430004)

·                 WOOD N., RASTELLI S., DOHERTY C., “Early Yaozhou celadon – a true ancestor to Southern Song Guan ware?”, in PIERSON S. (ed.), Song ceramics: art history, archaeology and technology. Colloquies on Art and Archaeology No. 22, London: University of London, Percival David Foundation, School of Oriental and African Studies, vol. 22, 2004, pp. 221-237, (ISBN 0728603659)

·                 RASTELLI S., “Protoporcellana, celadon primitivo, terracotta invetriata o l’invenzione del grès”, in TAMBURELLO G. /ed.), L’invenzione della Cina – Atti del VIII Convegno dell’Associazione Italiani di Studi Cinesi (AISC), Lecce: Congedo editore, 2004, pp. 489-504, (ISBN 8880865943)

·                 WOOD N., RASTELLI S., DOHERTY C., “Zaoqi Yaozhou qingci he Nan Song Laohudongyao de jishu guanxi” [Technological relations between Yaozhou green ware and Southern Song Laohudong wares], in Beijing daxue Zhongguo kaoguxue yanjiu zhongxin, Hangzhoushi Yuanlin wenwuju, Nan Song Guanyao yu Geyao. Hangzhou Nan Song Guanyao Laohudong yaozhi guoji xueshuyan lunhui [Guan and Ge wares of the Southern Song period. International symposium on Southern Song Laohudong Guan ware], Hangzhou: Hangzhou daxue chubanshe, 2004,pp. 190-195, (ISBN 7900674349)



·                 RASTELLI S., “Chang'an and Yaozhou: the influence of the capital on the development of northern celadon”, in Università degli Studi di Torino, Papers from the XIII EACS Conference. The Spirit of the Metropolis, Torino, 2002 (ISBN 889008880X)

·                 RASTELLI S, WOOD N., DOHERTY C. “Technological development at the Huangbao kiln site, Yaozhou, in the 9th to 11th centuries AD – Some analytical and microstructural examination”, in GUO Jingkun (ed.), Gu taoci kexue jishu 5. Guoji taolunhui lunwenji (ISAC ’02). 2002 International Symposium on Ancient Ceramics - Its Scientific and Technological Insights (ISAC '02), Shanghai: Shanghai kexue jishu wenxian chubanshe, 2002, pp. 179-193 (ISBN 7543920387)



·                 RASTELLI S., “Qingliangsi kilns: imperial or popular?”, in Annali di Ca’ Foscari, vol. 3, 2000, pp. 383-392 (ISSN 1125-3762)



·                 Sabrina RASTELLI, “The Stele of Marquis Deying”, in Asiatica Venetiana 1999:4, pp. 205-213(ISSN 1126-5256)



Signed and dated:

Sabrina Rastelli, March 2020