Fabrizio PANOZZO
- Qualifica
- Professore Associato
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- 041 234 8749
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- Economia aziendale [ECON-06/A]
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www.unive.it/persone/bauhaus (scheda personale)
- Struttura
Venice School of Management
Sito web struttura: https://www.unive.it/management
Sede: San Giobbe
Fabrizio Panozzo
Ca’ Foscari University
Department of Management
PhD in Management Studies, University Ca' Foscari di
Venezia, 1995
Master in Business
Clemson University, Institute for International Business Studies, South Carolina
(U.S.A.), 1992
Laurea in Economia Aziendale,
University Ca' Foscari di Venezia, 1991
Visiting Positions
Visiting Professor, Keio University, Tokyo, – July
Visiting Professor, Adelaide University,
Australia, – January 2016;
Visiting Professor, Fu Jen Catholic University,
Taipei – July 2012;
Visiting Professor, Athens University of Economics
– April 2010;
Visiting Professor, Sodetörn University Stockholm
– December 2009;
Visiting Professor, Waseda University, Tokyo, –
January 2009;
Visiting Professor, Innsbruck University,
Visiting Professor, Universidad Pablo de Olavide
de Sevilla (ES) – 2003
Visiting Fellow, King’s College London, – 2003
Visiting Scholar, Sheffield University (GB),
School of Management, – October 2003
Visiting Fellow, Centre for the Analysis of
Risk and Regulation – CARR, London School of Economics and Political Sciences,
- 2002
Design and management of research projects
§ Coordinator of the project “Artimprendo. Contemporary art
within business firms”, Training for managerial creativity through contact and
collaboration between artists and firms, funded by the European Social Fund, 2006-2010;
§ Coordinator of the project “Dreams in the drawers. Connecting
generations of makers in Italy”.
§ Managerial analysis and video storytelling of
the creative industries of Veneto, funded by the European Social Fund, 2006-2010
§ Coordinator of the project “Entrepreneurship, Creativity,
Culture and Development”. Research on existing and potential links between
cultural and creative projects and economic development, funded by the European Social
Fund, 2006-2010
§ Coordinator of the project “RI_creations. Italian creativity goes
back to work”, Training of young graduates at entrepreneurship and managerial
work with the spirit of cultural innovation, funded by the European Social Fund, 2014-2020
§ Coordinator of the project “Alta Gamma”, Training and advice
to high-end Venetian hotels to bring them closer to the artistic excellence of
the city”, funded
by the European Social Fund, 2014-2020
§ Coordinator of the project “Sportmuse”, Redesign of the
business museum of sports footwear in a perspective of design thinking and
territorial marketing, funded by the European Social Fund, 2014-2020
§ Coordinator of the project “Storytellers of artisanal, industrial
and social innovation”, Development of the professional figure of the company
storyteller, specialization in the creative story of productive innovation, funded by the European Social
Fund, 2014-2020
§ Coordinator of the project “Art and Business”, Research and
experimentation on the concept of "Artification"
of business firms through artist residences in the company, funded by the European Social
Fund, 2014-2020
Coordinator of the “City Management Lab”, School of Economics and
Management, Ca’ Foscari University, funded by the European Social Fund,
Coordinator of the project “Challenge – training of development agents
for the competitiveness of the local entrepreneurial system, funded by the
European Social Fund, 2008-2009
Scientific Coordinator of the EQUAL project “Social Entrepreneurship,
Market dynamics and Corporate Social Responsibility” 2004-2007, funded by the
European Commission, 2006-2009
Scientific Coordinator of the Euroconference Project “Financial
Reporting and Regulatory Practices in Europe” funded by the European Commission
(DG XII, Human Potential program) – 2000-2003;
Scientific Coordinator of the Research Network “Accounting and
Management in the Reform of European Health Care Systems” funded by the
European Commission (DG XII, Human Potential program) – 1998/2002;
Member of the Organizing Committee of the Euroconference “Accounting
research in Europe. Engaging research and practice” funded by the European
Commission (DG XII, Human Potential programme) – 1997/1999;
Consulting and other
professional assignments
Feasibility study for the establishment of a Film Commission in the
Veneto Region, December 2017
Chairman of the Independent Authority for Evaluation of the Veneto
Region (since 2011-2016)
Coordinator of the public management training project for the executives
and staff of the Municipality of Venice, (since 2007);
Coordinator of the project for the innovation of strategies and tools of
local governances in the Municipality of Venice – 2005-2006;
Coordinator of the project for the drafting of the Social Report of the
local Government of the Province of Venice – 2005-2006;
Coordinator of the project for organizational analysis and introduction
of planning programming and budgeting systems in the Province of Belluno –
Coordinator of the project for the drafting of the Social Report of the
Municipality of Venice – 2004-2006;
Coordinator of the “Executive Program of in City Management”, Treviso,
in partnership with Ascom and National School of Local Govement (since 2007);
Coordinator of the seminar series “Govering the city in the XXI
century”, Venice, October 2007
Organization of events
Member of the Organizing Committee and opening panellist of the IAAER
International Accounting Conference on “Accounting Renaissance”, Venice,
November 2011
International Workshop “Accounting for the City”, University of
Edinburgh, November 2008
International Workshop “The shadow line of Accountability”, Venice,
march 2007
European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management, International Workshop
on “Trends and Fashions in Management Studies”, Lisbon, 20-21 October 2005
European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management, International
Workshop on “Public Sector in Common Europe”, Lofoten Islands, 5-8 June, 2004
European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management, International
Workshop on “Management and Anthropology”, Venice, 12-14 September, 2002
International Seminar “Risk, Economy and Society”, Valdagno, May 21st,
Euroconferenza “Financial Reporting and Regulatory Practices in Europe”
Den Bosch, 8-12 May 2002;
International Seminar “Management and cultural institutions”, Rovigo,
June 21st, 2002;
International Seminar “Public Administration reforms in the regions of
Europe”, Venice, 17 April, 2002;
Euroconference “Financial Reporting and Regulatory Practices in Europe”
Palermo, 20-23 may 2001;
International Workshop “Managerial knowledge between globalization and
local contexts”, Roma, 15-17 June 2000;
§ Seminar arehcas "Doing accounting and management research in
health care organizations", Venice, 25-27 May 2000;
Euroconference “The Variations of Management Accounting: Implications
for Research and Practice”, Berlin, September 1999;
International Conference “Accounting for the new Public management”,
Venezia, Isola di S. Servolo, September 1998;
Euroconference “Exploring relevance in practices and theories of
managerial control”, Kinsale (Ireland), September 1998;
International Workshop, “Managing Across Boundaries”, Lugano (CH), June
Euroconference “Mapping diversity in practices and theories of
managerial control”, Palermo, December 1997;
Membership of Academic Organization
Member del European Accounting
since 1994
Member del European Group for
Organization Studies, since 1999
Member del European Academy of
Management, since
Member del International Public
Management Network, since 1998
List of Publications
F. PANOZZO (2013), Standards, triple bottom lines and balanced scorecards. Shaping the
metaphor of corporate citizenship with calculative infrastructures, The Political Economy of Corporate
Citizenship (Eds. Karin Svedberg Helgesson and Ulrika
Mörth), Palgrave
PANOZZO (2013), Rendere l’etica verificabile. Riflessioni
attorno alla progressiva formalizzazione della corporate social responsibility in A. Perulli (a cura di) La responsabilità sociale dell'impresa: idee
e prassi, Il Mulino
F, I. LAPSLEY, P. MILLER (2010). Accounting for the city. ACCOUNTING, AUDITING
& ACCOUNTABILITY JOURNAL, vol. Vol. 23, p. 305-324, ISSN: 1368-0668, doi:
F, SPANO P. (2010). Tra programmazione e governance. Ambizioni, vincoli e
retoriche del governo regionale ai tempi del federalismo. ECONOMIA E SOCIETÀ
REGIONALE. OLTRE IL PONTE, vol. 2, p. 128-146, ISSN: 1827-2479, doi:
F (2010). Criticare l'organizzazione ed organizzare criticamente. In: TOMMASO
MARIA FABBRI. L'organizzazione: concetti e metodi. vol. 825, p. 215-238,
ROMA:Carucci, ISBN: 9788843052837
F (2010). Imprenditorialità sociale, mercato e socialità. In: PANOZZO F..
Imprese e socialità. Reti, Innovazione e competenze tra profit e nonprofit. p.
5-25, MILANO:FrancoAngeli, ISBN: 9788856817324
PANOZZO F (2008). Management
Education and Humanities. Pasquale Gagliardi, Barbara Czarniawska (Eds.).
Edward Elgar, Cheltenham (2006). SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT, vol.
Volume 24, Issue 1, p. 70-72, ISSN: 0956-5221, doi:
(2008). Trends and Fashions in Management Studies. INTERNATIONAL STUDIES OF
MANAGEMENT & ORGANIZATION, p. 3-18, ISSN: 0020-8825, doi:
PANOZZO F (2008). Urbanistics.
In: Upsetting Organizations. Vrije University Amsterdam, July 10–12, 2008
(2005). From "Nature" to "Economy" and "Culture".
In: B. CZARNIAWSKA, G. SEVON. Global Ideas. How Ideas, Objects and Practices
Travel in the Global Economy, Brussels: Liber. vol. 13, p. 106-128,
Copenhagen:Copenhagen Business School Press, ISBN: 8763001667
PANOZZO F (2005). Gino Zappa:
L'institutionnalisme en comptabilité financière. In: Bernard Colasse. Les
grands auteurs en comptabilité. p. 125-145, Colombelles:Editions Management et
Societé, ISBN: 2847690336
“New” accounting within and around public organizations a comparative
perspective on the social and cultural relevance of accounting expertise across
public sector reforms. In: Annual Congress of the European Accounting
Association. Göteborg University, School of Economics and Commercial Law, 18-20
May 2005
Preface. Trends and Fashions in Management Studies. In: EIASM International
Workshop on "Trends and fashion in management studies". Lisbon,
Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão, 18-20 October 2005
PANOZZO F (2001). Den
överbefolkade ledningen. In: CZARNIAWSKA BARBARA, SOLLI ROLF. Modernisiring av
storstaden. p. 74-83, MALMÖ:Liber, ISBN: 9789147062973
PANOZZO F (2000). Management by
decree. Paradoxes in the reform of the Italian Public Sector. SCANDINAVIAN
JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT, vol. Volume 16, Issue 4, p. 357-373, ISSN: 0956-5221
PANOZZO F, L. ZAN (1999). The
Endogenous Construction of Accounting Discourses in a Trade Union. THE JOURNAL
OF MANAGEMENT AND GOVERNANCE, vol. Volume 3, p. 49-79, ISSN: 1385-3457, doi:
Reforming the reform: changing roles for accounting and management in the
Italian health care sector. EUROPEAN ACCOUNTING REVIEW, vol. Volume 7, p.
185-208, ISSN: 0963-8180, doi: 10.1080/096381898336448
PANOZZO F, L. ZAN (1997). Le
management et les pratiques de budgétisation d'un syndicat. POLITIQUES ET
MANAGEMENT PUBLIC, vol. Vol. 15, N. 4, p. 65-117, ISSN: 0758-1726
PANOZZO F (1997). The making of
the good academic accountant. ACCOUNTING, ORGANIZATIONS AND SOCIETY, vol.
Volume 22, p. 447-480, ISSN: 0361-3682, doi: 10.1016/S0361-3682(96)00043-8
F (1996). Accountability and identity: accounting and the democratic
organization. In: R. MUNRO, J. MOURITSEN. Accountability: power, ethos and the
technologies of managing. p. 182-197, ISBN: 9780412625602
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