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- Economia e gestione delle imprese [ECON-07/A]
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www.unive.it/persone/warglien (scheda personale)
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Venice School of Management
Sito web struttura: https://www.unive.it/management
Sede: San Giobbe
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THE NEW INSTITUTE Centre for Environmental Humanities (NICHE)
Sito web struttura: https://www.unive.it/niche
Sede: Ca' Bottacin
Full Professor, Ca' Foscari University, Venezia (2000- )
Associate professor, Ca' Foscari University, Venezia (1992-2000)
Ricercatore, Ca' Foscari University (1988-1992)
Coordinator, PhD program in Business, Ca’ Foscari University, 2006-2012.
Director, Center for Experimental Research in Management and Economics, Ca' Foscari, (2014-.)
Scientific Commitee, Laboratory of Cognitive Science, Rovereto (Univ. of Trento) (1999-2001)
External associate professor, (1991-94), University of Amsterdam, Center for Computer Science in Organizations and Management.
Chercheur associé, (1986-1989), Centre de Sociologie des Organisations (CNRS, Paris).
Dottore in Economia Aziendale, 1983, cum laude, Università Ca' Foscari di Venezia.
Academic visiting positions:
Stanford University (1990); University of Michigan, School of Information (1999-2000), University of Bielefeld, Zentrum fur Interdsiciplinare Forschuung (2000), Laboratoire de Sciences Cognitives, CNRS: Aix-Marseille (2001,2002), Harvard Business School (2007),Imperial College (2009), Southern Denmark University, Odense (2011-12 and 2013), Ambedkar University (New Delhi 2012), JNU University (New Delhi 2014)
Research Areas
Current main areas of interests: organization theory, behavioral economics, mental models of strategy, culture and economic behavior, language and interaction, habits.
Research Projects
Numerous MIUR-funded projects, as both national and local coordinator, including a FIRB project. Current coordinator of the Ca Foscari unit of the MATHEMACS project (VII framework programme) and of the Ca Foscari unit of COPE project (funded by the Danish "Sapere Aude" DFF program.
Conference Participation
Has held invited talks and seminars in major international universities, including: Harvard Univ., Wharton School (Univ. of Pennsylvania), Carnegie Mellon Univ., Stanford Univ. , Univ. of Michigan, Santa Fe Institute, Univ. of Indiana (Bloomington), Darthmouth College, SPRU (Brighton), Univ. of Amsterdam, Univ. Of Bonn, Univ. of Bielefled, Max Planck Institut (Jena), Max Planck Institute for Mathematics (Leipzig), Southern Denmark University (Odense), Université de Aix-Marseille, London Business School, Imperial College, Center for Rationality (Hebrew University of Jerusalem), JNU (New Delhi), INSEAD (Singapore), Sabanci Univ. (Istanbul).
Has organied 14 international confernces and workshops. Has presented papers to numerous intenational conferences in multiple disciplines, including Management, Economics, Sociology, Philosophy, Psychology and Neuroscience.
Editorial Boards And Scientific Committees Membership
Member of the edtorial board of the Academy of Management Journal and Mind and Society.
Past: Chief editor, Journal of Management and Governance (Kluwer Pub.), 1996-1999
editorial Boards: Journal of Management and Governance, Research in Economics, Current Psychology Letters, Sistemi Intelligenti, Pluriverso.
Reviewer for (selected): Science, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, American Economic Review, Administrative Science Quarterly, Management Science, Organization Science, Games and Economic Behavior, Mind and Society, International Journal of Game Theory.