Professore Associato
041 234 9133 / 041 234 6654
Economia politica [ECON-01/A]
Sito web (scheda personale)
Dipartimento di Economia
Sito web struttura:
Sede: San Giobbe
Centro Interdipartimentale "Scuola Interdipartimentale in Economia, Lingue e Imprenditorialità per gli Scambi Internazionali"
Sito web struttura:
Sede: Treviso - Palazzo San Paolo


·        European Doctorate in Quantitative Economics (EDP) (1999), C.O.R.E., Universitè Catholique de Louvain, Belgium. Supervisor: Prof. Henry Tulkens. Thesis:"Voting, Equilibrium and the Core of Economies with Public Goods".

·        Post-Doctorate (1998), Department of Economics, Iowa State University.

·        PhD in Economics (1996), Università di Pavia. Thesis: “Political Stability of International Agreements”

·        Mphil in Economics (1995), London School of Economics.

·        Master of Arts in Economics (1994), C.O.R.E., Universitè Catholique de Louvain, Belgium. Supervisor: Prof. Henry Tulkens. Thesis "An Extension of Chander-Tulkens International Negotiation Model to Stock Pollutant".

·        Laurea in Economia e Commercio (BSc) (1992), Università di Torino, Thesis: " On the Role of Human Capital in the Process of Economic Growth".


Fields of Research

Microeconomic theory, Economic and Social Networks. Games Theory, Diversity, Coalition formation. Public economics.


  • “Peer Effects and Local Congestion in Networks” (2017), Games and Economic Behaviour 105, 40-58 (with E. Fumagalli and F. Panebianco)
  • “Information Sharing in Oligopoly” (2017), forthcoming in the Handbook of Game Theory and Industrial Organization, (ed. By L. Corchon and M. Marini), Edward Elgar (with F. Feri)
  • “A Simple Model of Homophly in Social Networks” (2016), European Economic Review 90, 18-39 (with J. Matheson and F. Vega-Redondo)
  • “Identity, Homophily and In-Group Bias” (2016), European Economic Review 90, 40-55 (with F. Mengel)
  • “Network Economics and the Environment: Insights and Perspectives” (2016), Environmental and Resource Economics, 65: 159-189 (with C. Marchiori and A. Tavoni).
  • “Information Sharing Networks in Linear Quadratic Games” (2015), International Journal of Game Theory 44: 701-732 (with F. Feri)
  • “Coalitional approaches to collusive agreements in oligopoly games” (2015), The Manchester School 83(3): 253-287 (with M. Marini).
  • “Sequential Play and Cartel Stability in Cournot Oligopoly” (2013), Applied Mathematical Sciences, 7(4), 197-200 (with M. Marini).
  • “Majority Rules and Coalitional Stability” (2012), Economics Bulletin 33(3), 1660-1668. (with M. Marini).
  • “Homophily and Long Run Integration in Social Networks” (2012) Journal of Economic Theory, 145(5): 1754-1786 (with Y. Bramouille, M.O. Jackson, P. Pin and B. Rogers).
  • “The Kinked Demand model and the Stability of Cooperation” (2011), Economics Letters, 110: 223-225. (with M. Marini).
  • “Identifying the roles of race-based choice and chance in high school friendship network formation” (2010), Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of the U.S.A. (PNAS), 107, 4857-4861 (with M.O. Jackson and P. Pin).
  • “An Economic Model of Friendship: Homophily, Minorities and Segregation” (2009), , Econometrica 77 (4), 1003-1045 (with M.O. Jackson and P. Pin).
  • “Group Stability of Hierarchies in Games with Spillovers”(2007), Mathematical Social Science, 54(3), 187-202.
  • “Network Design in Games with Spillovers” (2007), Review of Economic Design, 10(4), 305-326.
  • “Delegation Versus Centralization: The Role of Externalities” (2006), Research in Economics, 60(2), 112-119 (2006) (with F. Feri)
  • “Coalition Formation in Games without Synergies” (2006), International Game Theory Review 8(1), 1-16 (2006) (with M. Marini).
  • “Voting on Federations” (2005), Research in Economics 59, 1-21.
  • “A Conjectural Cooperative Equilibrium for Strategic Form Games” (2003), in Game Practice and the Environment, Ed. Edgar Elgar, London (with M. Marini).
  • “Stable International Agreements on Transfrontier Pollution under Ratification Constraints” (2003), in Game Practice and the Environment, Ed. Edgar Elgar, London (with H. Tulkens).
  • “A Sequential Approach to the Characteristic Function and the Core in Games with Externalities” (2003) in Advances in Economic Design, Springer Verlag (with M. Marini).
  • “Inflation, Welfare and Public Goods” (2002), Journal of Public Economic Theory 4(3) (with G. Bloise and N. Kikidis).
  • “Voting on public goods in multi-jurisdictional structures” (2002), Research in Economics 56.
  • “Network Formation with Sequential Demands” (2000), Review of Economic Design 5(3), 229-249) (with M. Morelli), reprinted as chapter of the book Models of the Strategic Formation of Networks and Groups, edited by B. Dutta and M. O. Jackson, Springer-Verlag, (2003).


Papers  Submitted or Close to Submission

  • “Cheap Talk with Correlated Information” (with S. Chand and G. Ursino), Revise and Resubmit at the Economic Journal (Revised and Resubmitted, December 2018)
  • “Performance Thresholds and Choice under Uncertainty: Theory and Experimental Evidence” (with C. Marchiori and Francesco Feri)
  • “An Experimental Study of Information Sharing Networks” (with F. Feri and M. Melendez)
  • “Issue Linkage” (with M. Finus and C. Marchiori)

Policy Papers

  • “Smoking and Social Interactions”, Review of Energy, Environment and Economics. May 2013.
  • “International Integration and Political Preferences: New Insights from the Recent History of EMU”, Review of Energy, Environment and Economics. July 2012.
  • “Risky Behaviour in Social Networks”, CMPO Discussion Paper, University of Bristol, Summer 2012.
  • “Diversity and Integration”, Coalition Theory Network Newsletter, September 2012.


Honors and Awards 

  • Award for Excellence in Academic Research, First Prize, University of Venice (2011).
  • ‘Fernand Braudel’ Senior Fellowship, European University Institute, Forence, 2009-2010.
  • First Prize for Teaching Quality (Based on Students Evaluations), Faculty of Economics, University of Venice, 2004, 2005.
  • Best Paper Published on the Review of Economic Design in Year 2000: S. Currarini and M. Morelli, "Network Formation with Sequential Demands", 2001.
  • Post-Doctoral Fellowship, Iowa State University, 2001


Funded Research Projects

  • 2016 Scholarship from Ministry of Education and Science in the Russian Federation, grant n. 14.U004.31.0002
  • 2007 PRIN (Member of Research Team – National Research Grant, Italian Government), “Markets for Information: Incentives to Reveal Information and Efficiency”
  • 2004 PRIN (Research Director of Local Team - National Research Grant, Italian Government), “Network Design in Financial and Credit Markets”.
  • 2003 PRIN (Member of Research Team - National Research Grant, Italian Government), “Unforseen Contingencies and Reciprocity – Market and Social Stability”)
  • 1995 Training and Mobility Research Fellowship, European Commission (two years).

Editorial Activity

Associate Editor for Research in Economics (until 2014)

Referee for the following International Journals:

Econometrica, American Economic Review, Review of Economic Studies, Quarterly Journal of Economics, Games and Economic Behaviour, Journal of Economic Theory, Journal of Economic Behaviour and Organization, Economic Journal, Review of Economic Design, Journal of Public Economic Theory, International Game Theory Review, Research in Economics, Journal of Environmental and Resource Economics, Mathematical Social Science, Public Choice, Economic Enquiry, International Journal of Game Theory, Regional Science and Urban Economics, Social Networks, International Economic Review.

Member of the Scientific Committee of the following Conferences:

·        2006 Meeting of Social Choice and Welfare, Istanbul.

·        2008 Public Economic Theory Conference, Seoul.

·        2009 Public Economic Theory Conference, Galway.


Selected List of Invited Talks

Koc University, Prize for best paper of 2000 in Review of Economic Design, Turkey (2000); Stanford University, SITE seminar series (2000); Bosphorous Economics Workshop, Turkey (2000, 2001); California Institute of Technology, Theory Seminar (2005); Econometric Society European Meeting, Fisher Schultz Lecture, Budapest (2007); CEnter, Tilburg University , Workshop “Network and Games”, (2008); European University Institute, Florence (Micro-theory seminar) (2008); Center for Market and Social Organization, Bristol :Workshop “The Economics of Social Networks”, (2010); European Economic Association Meeting, Invited Lecture, Glasgow (2010), Information and Behaviour in Networks, University of Oxford (2010), Coalition Theory Workshop, Paris (2012), ScienceNet Conference, Kellogs School of Management, Northwestern University (2012), Grantham Institute, London School of Economics (2013), EURO Conference, Rome (2013), SAET Conference, Paris (2013), Sabanci University, Istanbul (2013), Bilkent University, Ankara (2013), Royal Holloway College, London (2013), Workshop in Economic Design, Turkey (2014), University of Bath (2015), New School of Economics, Moscow (2016), University of Bath (2017), University of Surrey (2018).